Friday, January 28, 2011

Fw: H-ASIA: New online content at The Asia-Pacific Journal

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Dunch" <ryan.dunch@UALBERTA.CA>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 5:11 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: New online content at The Asia-Pacific Journal

> January 28, 2011
> New online content at The Asia-Pacific Journal (formerly Japan Focus)
> ************************************************************************
> From: "The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus" <>
> Newsletter No. 4. 2011, January 24, 2011
> New Articles Posted In This Issue
> Andrew DeWit and Iida Tetsunari,
> The "Power Elite" and Environmental Energy Policy in Japan
> Sheila Miyoshi Jager,
> Cycles of History: China, North Korea and the End of the Korean War
> Peter Dale Scott,
> The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and the Shrinking of American Democracy
> Nambara Shigeru and Richard Minear,
> Nambara Shigeru (1889-1974) and the Student-Dead of a War He Opposed
> What's Hot?
> Truth and Reconciliation in the Republic of Korea; Unit 731 and Preserving
> the History of Wartime Medical Atrocities
> Andrew DeWit and Iida Tetsunari examine Japan's extraordinary retreat from
> environmental leadership at Kyoto to the implosion of environmental policy
> under the DPJ; Sheila Miyoshi Jager assesses the history of China-North
> Korea relations since the outbreak of the Korean War; Peter Dale Scott
> examines the deep events in recent US history with an eye to their
> relationship to American democracy and global policy; and Richard Minear
> introduces the speeches and writings of Nambara Shigeru on the student
> dead in the Asia-Pacific War.
> See
> *************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

Fw: [philosophies_of_India] MAHABHARATA by Ramkumar Bhramar

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 8:20 PM
Subject: [philosophies_of_India] MAHABHARATA by Ramkumar Bhramar



Jay Jinendra

Prabhat Bela

Sahasra Dhara

Aradhana Path

Yug Parivartan

Set of 12 Hindi Novels based on the Mahabharata


Ramkumar Bhramar

Epic Hindi Novel

Published in 4 Volumes

2011    21 x 13 cm    1670 pages

Paperback     Price: Rs. 780

Ramkumar Bhramar's set of 12 novels, published as a set of 4 books, is  based on the MAHABHARATA. Each novel is a masterpiece in its own right. They are beautifully written. Bhramar's writing may not have the piercing intellectual approach of Narendra Kohli or the exhaustive character analysis found in Shivaji Savant's and Vishvas Patil's works. But it has a charm of its own.

Ramkumar Bhramar is an immensely skilled storyteller and retells the Mahabharata in a way that is engaging and yet different from all the other stalwart writers. His novels work because they are very well written. Their characters come alive in front of the reader's eyes and the reader is swept with the emotions and events that take place in the protagonists' lives.

All four volumes of the set are as under:
Volume 1 PRABHAT BELA {Dawn}  489 pages
Volume 2 SAHASRA DHARA {A Thousand Streams} 432 pages
Volume 3 ARADHANA PATH {Path of Propitiation} 381 pages
Volume 4 YUG PARIVARTAN {Changing Epoch}  368 pages


PRABHAT BELA spans three novels

AARAMBHA {The Beginning}
Kicks off the Mahabharata. It describes the extraordinary life and decisions made by Bhishma, and their emotional consequences.

ANKUR {The Sprout}
Depicts Gandhari, who struggles to escape the web of political intrigue she is trapped in. She is both, a helpless woman enmeshed in an intensely male dominated world, and a strong mother who is vexed by her son  Duryodhana's machinations.

AHVAN {Call to Arms}
Is about the innocent and forgiving Kunti who has the strength to forbear each blow that life sends her way.

SAHASRA DHARA  comprises of three novels

Is based on the tragic story of the most valiant of men - Karna. He was the master warrior who wanted neither land nor wealth and but gave his all for the man whom he thought was his friend.

AGRAJ {The Eldest}
Follows the life of Yudhishthira, the man who was said to be the embodiment of righteousness. It conveys his internal conflict and the contradictions in his life.

AAHUTI {Offering}
Traces the unusual and pathos-ridden character of Draupadi. She is the wife of the eventual victors, sister of Shri Krishna and one of the most intriguing  characters found in world mythology. Despite having to face all manner of vicissitudes, the skilled and thoughtful Draupadi emerges a victor.  

ARADHANA PATH covers three novels

ASADHYA {The Unyielding}
Tries to disentangle the most intriguing character of all - Duryodhana. He was enmeshed in a web of own making, but did not show an iota of remorse. He remained a hard man and the target of all venom.

ASIIM {The Unending}
Is an adoring look at the immensely strong and gullible Bhima. Bhima was an Obelix-like character, incredibly brave in battle, but naive in all else.

ANUGAT {The Follower}
Is an admiring look at Arjuna, the mighty warrior. Destined to make him champion of champions, the most dramatic incidents take place in Arjuna's life. The Ashvamedha Yajna {horse sacrifice}, the battle with his own son, the kidnapping of Subhadra, the incidents with Ulupi and Chitrangada are all retold with relish.

YUG PARIVARTAN extends to three novels

18 DIN {18 Days}
Sketches the extraordinary war of the Mahabharata, that stretches to 18 bloodthirsty days. The plotting, the war itself, and its epic ending are all rivetingly told. The author manages to capture the humane elements amidst the hard fighting.

ANTA {The End}
The author uses this to make clear his own opposition to war as a solution to the world's problems. Through the sensitively written character of Yuyutsu, he manages to convey the fallout of such a massive war. The purpose of this series of novels is not to glorify war, but to make us aware of both, the seeds of war and its cataclysmic consequences.

ANANTA {Eternal}
Takes a look at the greatest hero of the Mahabharata - Krishna. It examines his life, his motivation and his teachings. A fitting finale to a grand series of novels.


copies from.
Divine Books
40/ 5 ., Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007


DHARMA DRIVEN   (article =News from Hinduism Today)
 About Naresh Gupta & Sunil Gupta,now founder of DIVINE BOOKS .Delhi,India) 

Indian Books Centre

Men with a mission to make meaningful books
Religious fervor fuels the two erudite and gregarious brothers who pilot Sri Satguru Publications, the publishing arm of Indian Books Centre. "God willed us into this business," Naresh and Sunil Gupta, the proprietors and managers, concur conclusively. "We are religious, and this is our destiny," adds Naresh. "Our wish is that our books will in some way uplift, inspire or educate the reader. But at least we know that they are not leading anyone astray." Sunil chimes in, "We fully expect that they will help people to follow the right path."

True to their calling, their debut book was the Shiv Samhita. Later, they released major works such as the 7-volume anthology of Mimamsakosah, by Swami Kevalananda Saraswati, and the complete Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy. "As we are Hindus," explains Naresh, "we publish about Ayurveda, Vastushastra and all the sacred sciences which are allied to Hinduism."

While they look to their Lord for inspiration, they rely on God-given management skills for success. "We are in business to publish books for sale, not to fill shelves in our stores," asserts Sunil. "It is our policy not to accept subsidies, so the title has to be absolutely saleable," Naresh elaborates. "In the beginning, we had to look for titles, but now that we have our reputation, authors approach us. We consider the novelty, content and language and ask ourselves, would this be suitable for the general reader or academicians only? Thus different criteria are used for different subjects."

Being the newest publisher in Delhi, it is fitting that they have taken the lead in the freshest market--internet sales. Their home page on the world wide greatly enhanced their export sales. But, according to Naresh, the brothers have noticed that "In the last two to three years the Indian market has grown substantially, and there is vast potential. Earlier, we never concentrated on sales in India."

When asked if their parents lived with them, Naresh, in a sudden break from his cool corporate composure, quipped a terse "No." Then he sallied, "We live with them, and there is a vast difference. They are the head of our family, which is one unit. We do not worry about the future in heated competition with others. For we wish to maintain a religious household. We believe that we each have our karmas to live through and dharma to fulfill. Thus we are content."




Thanking You

Naresh Gupta

Indian Books Centre
Shakti Nagar,
Delhi- 110007
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007