Divine Books Murari Lal Chharia Marg. 40/13.Shakti Nagar.Delhi-110007.India
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: Prof. George Panthanmackel, msfs
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: Prof. R. Balasubramanian
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: PROFESSOR N. S. RAMANUJA TATACHARYA
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: PROF. RAMAKANT ANGIRAS
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: Dr. S. Lourdunathan
Index of Philosophers and Scholars of India: Geetesh Nirban
indology studies: manuscripts Invited
indology studies: manuscripts Invited
manuscripts Invited
Dear Sirs.
Our Company is started recently to publish Books on Indology,Hinduism,Buddhism,Ayurveda & Indian Culture,books in English.
Please advise us regarding your MSS, and you can also forward this mail to possible new authors.
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
manuscripts Invited
Dear Sirs.
Our Company is started recently to publish Books on Indology,Hinduism,Buddhism,Ayurveda & Indian Culture,books in English.
Please advise us regarding your MSS, and you can also forward this mail to possible new authors.
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
Fw: H-ASIA: Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in Minneapolis
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in
> Jan 25 2011
> Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in Minneapolis
> *************************************
> From: Ann Waltner <waltn001@umn.edu>
> "Matteo Ricci: Map and Music" needs a sheng player for a performance in
> Minneapolis April 8-10. To see clips of the performance (which premiered
> in
> Beijing this December) click below. The group playing is "Sacabuche," a
> group of baroque musicians from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana
> University.
> http://fr.cntv.cn/program/journaldelaculture/20101216/106150.shtml
> Please respond to me privately.
> [in case anybody doesn't know what a sheng is, here is a wikipedia
> article on the instrument:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheng_(instrument) ]
> --
> AnnWaltner
> Professor of History
> Director, Institute for Advanced Study
> 131 Nolte Center
> 315 Pillsbury Drive SE
> University of Minnesota
> Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
> 612 626-5149
> www.ias.umn.edu
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
> January 26, 2011
> TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
> ******************************************************************
> From: Charles Hayford <Chayford@aol.com>
> I'm happy to report that our most recent issue is now online for online
> subscribers. The hard copies should be arriving soon, though I'm sorry to
> say that there have been delays in the delivery of earlier issues.
> Articles
> in 17.3 are:
> * "Kissinger, China, Congress, and the Lost Chance for Cambodia," by
> Chris A. Connolly (University College, Cork, National University
> of Ireland). Connolly uses fresh evidence to suggest that
> Kissinger may have reason to claim that the US Congress had some
> responsibility in the failure of negotiations in 1973.
> * "Contesting Famine: Hunger and Nutrition in Occupied Japan,
> 1945-1952," by Chris Aldous (University of Winchester) is a study
> of how rhetoric shapes policy. Connolly analyzes the history and
> function of terms and key words which American Occupation
> authorities used in conceiving and debating food policy.
> * "Birth Control and Socialism: The Frustration of Margaret Sanger
> and Ishimoto Shizue's Mission," by Aiko Takeuchi-Demirci (Brown
> University) is the winner of the Frank B. Gibney Student Essay
> Award for 2010. Her article is a fresh interpretation of how two
> activists reached across the Pacific to liberate the women of Asia
> and America but fell into traps of cultural arrogance and nationalism.
> We've also started a new section which will from time to time reprint
> documents and brief memoirs. Kicking things off is Anson Burlingame's New
> York speech of 23 June 1868. The speech is a ringing defense of China's
> entrance into global commerce and diplomacy which seems strikingly
> contemporary. For the background, see John Schrecker's article on
> Burlingame's diplomacy in JAEAR 17.1 (2010). We'd be happy to have your
> suggestions for future documents or memoirs.
> Book Reviews include Roger Dingman's review essay on Takeo Iguchi,
> _Demystifying Pearl Harbor: A New Perspective from Japan_ (Tokyo:
> International House, 2010). Ambassador Iguchi, who was in Washington in
> 1941
> as a child, combines personal memoir and archival research to provide a
> careful revisionist account of the clash between Japanese diplomats and
> military.
> For information on past issues and how to submit articles, please see the
> Journal website: http://interworld-pacific.com/home.html
> For subscription information, please visit the website of our new
> publisher,
> Brill International: http://www.brill.nl/jaer
> --
> Charles W. Hayford
> Editor, Journal of American-East Asian Relations
> <http://interworld-pacific.com/home.html>
> Visiting Scholar, Department of History
> Northwestern University
> Evanston, IL 60208-2220
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: LEC Roger Dingman From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Grads in & and beyond the Pacific War, Boulder, Feb. 19, 2011
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:49 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: LEC Roger Dingman From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy
Japanese Language School Grads in & and beyond the Pacific War, Boulder,
Feb. 19, 2011
> January 26, 2011
> From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Graduates in
> and beyond the Pacific War, Professor Roger Dingman, Boulder, University
> of Colorado, February 19, 2011
> ************************************************************************
> From: casevent <cas.announcements@Colorado.EDU>
> The Center for Asian Studies is passing along the following message that
> might be of interest to you:
> From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Graduates in
> and beyond the Pacific War
> Saturday, February 19 at 10 a.m.
> University of Colorado Boulder
> Eaton Humanities, Room 150
> Professor Roger Dingman (University of Southern California, History
> emeritus) will be speaking on his recently published book, _Deciphering
> the Rising Sun: US Navy and Marine Corps Codebreakers, Translators, and
> Interpreters in the Pacific War_ on the US Navy Japanese Language School
> and its graduates in the Pacific War. Much of his research was performed
> at the CU Boulder Libraries in the Archives. Attendance and refreshments
> at reception will be free of charge.
> Sponsors: Friends of the Library (303) 492-7511 and Archives, University
> of Colorado Libraries (303) 492-7242
> The Center for Asian Studies
> University of Colorado
> casevent@colorado.edu
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
Jan 26 2011
Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
From: "uyehara" <uiai-1@comcast.net>
I would like to get in touch with Dr. Marleen Raymaekers, who wrote an
MA thesis on the Japanese calligrapher, Kamijo Shinzan at the Univ of
Paris. Could Dr. Raymaekers or somebody with her contact info please
contact me at uiai-1@comcast.net. Thanks I hope I hear from you.
Cecil H. Uyehara
3100 N. Leisure World Blvd #604
Silver Spring, MD 20906, USA.
To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
For holidays or short absences send post to:
<listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/=
Fw: H-ASIA: CFP Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction (Nov 1-3, 2011)
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:36 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction (Nov
1-3, 2011)
> January 26, 2011
> Call for papers: Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction
> *************************************************************************
> From: Sumit Guha sguha@history.rutgers.edu
> Call for papers:
> An International Conference Organized by
> IIC-Asia Project and
> the Department of History, University of Delhi
> (November 1-3, 2011)
> The centuries-old exchange of ideas, knowledge systems, resources, skills,
> and materials among the people of the Asian continent left a lasting
> legacy in various spheres of human experience. This was a dialogue that
> involved a rich exchange of literary, religious and artistic ideas and
> forms across the regions of Asia. The proposed conference focuses on the
> processes and manifestations of these cultural interactions in pre-modern
> times.
> While studies in the history of Asian cultures have addressed some of
> these processes, a holistic understanding of their various dimensions and
> the totality of the impact of this intense and prolonged cultural
> interaction is still very inadequate. How has cultural discourse been
> shaped and shared by Asians? How do Asians view their shared past through
> their artistic, literary, and religious discourse? What were the political
> and social contexts, motivating factors and modes of communication and
> interaction that made this exchange possible? What systems of knowledge
> were communicated through these transactions and how do these reflect the
> distinctiveness as much as the commonalities of Asian cultures? In what
> ways are these understandings revealed in modern-day museum displays and
> the management of ancient and medieval heritage sites? How do such
> displays and strategies of heritage management in turn influence academic
> discourse on Asian pasts? These are some of the issues that scholars are
> invited to address in this conference.
> The many textures and levels of cultural 'exchange' and 'dialogue' among
> Asians are of course, rooted in larger concerns and circumstances and need
> to be understood in their historical context. The scope of the conference
> thus extends across the disciplines of history, art history, aesthetics,
> archaeological and conservation practices, epigraphy, museology, studies
> in Asian religions and literature, and other allied disciplines. Papers
> that include comparative perspectives or collaborations across two or more
> Asian regions in relation to pre-modern art and cultural heritage would be
> especially pertinent to its objectives.
> Some of the specific themes include the following:
> 1.Historical contexts and avenues of cultural interaction
> 2.Aesthetic theories and praxis
> 3.Religious and cultural matrices of artistic and literary discourse
> 4.Art, religion, and literature: inter-relationships, transmission and
> transformation of the narrative, iconic, and built traditions
> 5.The artist and the creative process; context, patronage, and reception
> of art
> 6.The past in the present: museums of Asian art; archaeological and
> conservation practices
> Place: Delhi: India International Centre and the University of Delhi
> Submission of Paper Proposals: Paper proposals should include a title and
> a 400-word abstract, together with a short biography of the applicant.
> Proposals should be received by 15th March 2011 and successful applicants
> will be informed of their acceptance by 31st March 2011.
> Proposals should be e-mailed to the conference convenors:
> Prof. Upinder Singh (upinders@gmail.com) and Dr. Parul Pandya Dhar
> (parulpd@gmail.com)
> Department of History, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
> and to Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson, IIC-Asia Project:
> email: asiaprojectiic@yahoo.com
> India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003
> --
> Sumit Guha
> http://history.rutgers.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=159&Itemid=140
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ed. note: CFP is online at
> http://www.du.ac.in/index.php?id=43&back=single&uid=62
> ML
> *************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
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Fw: H-ASIA: H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Announce: 17 January - 24 January
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 2:44 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Announce: 17 January -
24 January
> January 26, 2011
> Index to H-Net Job Guide Weekly for period 17024 January 2011
> ************************************************************************
> From: H-Net Job Guide <jobguide@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> The following jobs were posted to the H-Net Job Guide from 17 January
> 2011 to 24 January 2011. These job postings are included here based
> on the categories selected by the list editors for H-Announce. See
> the H-Net Job Guide website at http://www.h-net.org/jobs/ for more
> information.
> Roxbury Latin School - Visting Scholar on Modern India
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42088>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Colorado College - One year Assistant Professor, East Asian History
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42083>
> Institute of Ismaili Studies - Education Officer: Curriculum
> Development
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42080>
> Directors Guild of America - Visual History Coordinator
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42087>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> University of Copenhagen - Postdoctoral Position under Asian Dynamics
> Initiative
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42081>
> Institute of Ismaili Studies - Education Officer: Curriculum
> Development
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42080>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Directors Guild of America - Visual History Coordinator
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42087>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Roxbury Latin School - Visting Scholar on Modern India
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42088>
> Oakland University - Director of the Honors College
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42086>
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:22 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
> Jan 26 2011
> CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
> *******************************
> From: "CHARLOTTE EUBANKS" <cde13@psu.edu>
> Call for Papers
> Venue: MLA: Seattle, Jan 5-8, 2012
> Panel Title: Urban Culture: Literature and the City in Early Modern Asia
> Now inviting proposals for papers exploring new forms of urban
> cultural expression in literature and popular media in premodern East
> Asia (pre-1900).
> Please send abstracts of 500 words to Charlotte Eubanks cde13@psu.edu
> by March 1st.
> Charlotte Eubanks
> Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Japanese
> The Pennsylvania State University
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: RESOURCE Podcast The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the Making of an Epic
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:35 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: RESOURCE Podcast The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the
Making of an Epic
> January 25, 2011
> PODCAST: Andrew Robinson (Cambridge), The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and
> the Making of an Epic
> ***********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> PODCAST: Andrew Robinson (Cambridge) The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and
> the Making of an Epic
> Website Date: 2011-04-25
> Date Submitted: 2011-01-23
> Announcement ID: 182374
> Royal Asiatic Society, London
> Dr Andrew Robinson (University of Cambridge) The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit
> Ray and the Making of an Epic
> This event has been recorded and is available as a podcast at the
> following URL:
> http://backdoorbroadcasting.net/2011/01/andrew-robinson-the-apu-trilogy-satyajit-ray-and-the-making-of-an-epic/
> Dr Ren Wolf
> Department of History
> Royal Holloway Univesrity of London
> Egham, Surrey
> TW20 0EX
> Email: r.wolf@rhul.ac.uk
> Visit the website at
> http://backdoorbroadcasting.net/2011/01/andrew-robinson-the-apu-trilogy-satyajit-ray-and-the-making-of-an-epic/
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: RESOURCE Podcast The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the Making of an Epic
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:35 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: RESOURCE Podcast The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the
Making of an Epic
> January 25, 2011
> PODCAST: Andrew Robinson (Cambridge), The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and
> the Making of an Epic
> ***********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> PODCAST: Andrew Robinson (Cambridge) The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and
> the Making of an Epic
> Website Date: 2011-04-25
> Date Submitted: 2011-01-23
> Announcement ID: 182374
> Royal Asiatic Society, London
> Dr Andrew Robinson (University of Cambridge) The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit
> Ray and the Making of an Epic
> This event has been recorded and is available as a podcast at the
> following URL:
> http://backdoorbroadcasting.net/2011/01/andrew-robinson-the-apu-trilogy-satyajit-ray-and-the-making-of-an-epic/
> Dr Ren Wolf
> Department of History
> Royal Holloway Univesrity of London
> Egham, Surrey
> TW20 0EX
> Email: r.wolf@rhul.ac.uk
> Visit the website at
> http://backdoorbroadcasting.net/2011/01/andrew-robinson-the-apu-trilogy-satyajit-ray-and-the-making-of-an-epic/
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:22 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
> Jan 26 2011
> CFP MLA 2012 "Urban Culture" premodern East Asia panel
> *******************************
> From: "CHARLOTTE EUBANKS" <cde13@psu.edu>
> Call for Papers
> Venue: MLA: Seattle, Jan 5-8, 2012
> Panel Title: Urban Culture: Literature and the City in Early Modern Asia
> Now inviting proposals for papers exploring new forms of urban
> cultural expression in literature and popular media in premodern East
> Asia (pre-1900).
> Please send abstracts of 500 words to Charlotte Eubanks cde13@psu.edu
> by March 1st.
> Charlotte Eubanks
> Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Japanese
> The Pennsylvania State University
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Announce: 17 January - 24 January
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 2:44 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Announce: 17 January -
24 January
> January 26, 2011
> Index to H-Net Job Guide Weekly for period 17024 January 2011
> ************************************************************************
> From: H-Net Job Guide <jobguide@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> The following jobs were posted to the H-Net Job Guide from 17 January
> 2011 to 24 January 2011. These job postings are included here based
> on the categories selected by the list editors for H-Announce. See
> the H-Net Job Guide website at http://www.h-net.org/jobs/ for more
> information.
> Roxbury Latin School - Visting Scholar on Modern India
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42088>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Colorado College - One year Assistant Professor, East Asian History
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42083>
> Institute of Ismaili Studies - Education Officer: Curriculum
> Development
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42080>
> Directors Guild of America - Visual History Coordinator
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42087>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> University of Copenhagen - Postdoctoral Position under Asian Dynamics
> Initiative
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42081>
> Institute of Ismaili Studies - Education Officer: Curriculum
> Development
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42080>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Directors Guild of America - Visual History Coordinator
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42087>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
> <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=42079>
> Nanyang Technological University - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011
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Fw: H-ASIA: CFP Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction (Nov 1-3, 2011)
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:36 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction (Nov
1-3, 2011)
> January 26, 2011
> Call for papers: Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interaction
> *************************************************************************
> From: Sumit Guha sguha@history.rutgers.edu
> Call for papers:
> An International Conference Organized by
> IIC-Asia Project and
> the Department of History, University of Delhi
> (November 1-3, 2011)
> The centuries-old exchange of ideas, knowledge systems, resources, skills,
> and materials among the people of the Asian continent left a lasting
> legacy in various spheres of human experience. This was a dialogue that
> involved a rich exchange of literary, religious and artistic ideas and
> forms across the regions of Asia. The proposed conference focuses on the
> processes and manifestations of these cultural interactions in pre-modern
> times.
> While studies in the history of Asian cultures have addressed some of
> these processes, a holistic understanding of their various dimensions and
> the totality of the impact of this intense and prolonged cultural
> interaction is still very inadequate. How has cultural discourse been
> shaped and shared by Asians? How do Asians view their shared past through
> their artistic, literary, and religious discourse? What were the political
> and social contexts, motivating factors and modes of communication and
> interaction that made this exchange possible? What systems of knowledge
> were communicated through these transactions and how do these reflect the
> distinctiveness as much as the commonalities of Asian cultures? In what
> ways are these understandings revealed in modern-day museum displays and
> the management of ancient and medieval heritage sites? How do such
> displays and strategies of heritage management in turn influence academic
> discourse on Asian pasts? These are some of the issues that scholars are
> invited to address in this conference.
> The many textures and levels of cultural 'exchange' and 'dialogue' among
> Asians are of course, rooted in larger concerns and circumstances and need
> to be understood in their historical context. The scope of the conference
> thus extends across the disciplines of history, art history, aesthetics,
> archaeological and conservation practices, epigraphy, museology, studies
> in Asian religions and literature, and other allied disciplines. Papers
> that include comparative perspectives or collaborations across two or more
> Asian regions in relation to pre-modern art and cultural heritage would be
> especially pertinent to its objectives.
> Some of the specific themes include the following:
> 1.Historical contexts and avenues of cultural interaction
> 2.Aesthetic theories and praxis
> 3.Religious and cultural matrices of artistic and literary discourse
> 4.Art, religion, and literature: inter-relationships, transmission and
> transformation of the narrative, iconic, and built traditions
> 5.The artist and the creative process; context, patronage, and reception
> of art
> 6.The past in the present: museums of Asian art; archaeological and
> conservation practices
> Place: Delhi: India International Centre and the University of Delhi
> Submission of Paper Proposals: Paper proposals should include a title and
> a 400-word abstract, together with a short biography of the applicant.
> Proposals should be received by 15th March 2011 and successful applicants
> will be informed of their acceptance by 31st March 2011.
> Proposals should be e-mailed to the conference convenors:
> Prof. Upinder Singh (upinders@gmail.com) and Dr. Parul Pandya Dhar
> (parulpd@gmail.com)
> Department of History, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
> and to Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson, IIC-Asia Project:
> email: asiaprojectiic@yahoo.com
> India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003
> --
> Sumit Guha
> http://history.rutgers.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=159&Itemid=140
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ed. note: CFP is online at
> http://www.du.ac.in/index.php?id=43&back=single&uid=62
> ML
> *************************************************************************
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> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
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Fw: H-ASIA: Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
Jan 26 2011
Query: Dr. Marleen Raymaekers
From: "uyehara" <uiai-1@comcast.net>
I would like to get in touch with Dr. Marleen Raymaekers, who wrote an
MA thesis on the Japanese calligrapher, Kamijo Shinzan at the Univ of
Paris. Could Dr. Raymaekers or somebody with her contact info please
contact me at uiai-1@comcast.net. Thanks I hope I hear from you.
Cecil H. Uyehara
3100 N. Leisure World Blvd #604
Silver Spring, MD 20906, USA.
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Fw: H-ASIA: LEC Roger Dingman From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Grads in & and beyond the Pacific War, Boulder, Feb. 19, 2011
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:49 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: LEC Roger Dingman From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy
Japanese Language School Grads in & and beyond the Pacific War, Boulder,
Feb. 19, 2011
> January 26, 2011
> From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Graduates in
> and beyond the Pacific War, Professor Roger Dingman, Boulder, University
> of Colorado, February 19, 2011
> ************************************************************************
> From: casevent <cas.announcements@Colorado.EDU>
> The Center for Asian Studies is passing along the following message that
> might be of interest to you:
> From Combat to Culture: CU's Navy Japanese Language School Graduates in
> and beyond the Pacific War
> Saturday, February 19 at 10 a.m.
> University of Colorado Boulder
> Eaton Humanities, Room 150
> Professor Roger Dingman (University of Southern California, History
> emeritus) will be speaking on his recently published book, _Deciphering
> the Rising Sun: US Navy and Marine Corps Codebreakers, Translators, and
> Interpreters in the Pacific War_ on the US Navy Japanese Language School
> and its graduates in the Pacific War. Much of his research was performed
> at the CU Boulder Libraries in the Archives. Attendance and refreshments
> at reception will be free of charge.
> Sponsors: Friends of the Library (303) 492-7511 and Archives, University
> of Colorado Libraries (303) 492-7242
> The Center for Asian Studies
> University of Colorado
> casevent@colorado.edu
> ******************************************************************
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> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
> January 26, 2011
> TOC Journal of American-East Asian Relations 17.3
> ******************************************************************
> From: Charles Hayford <Chayford@aol.com>
> I'm happy to report that our most recent issue is now online for online
> subscribers. The hard copies should be arriving soon, though I'm sorry to
> say that there have been delays in the delivery of earlier issues.
> Articles
> in 17.3 are:
> * "Kissinger, China, Congress, and the Lost Chance for Cambodia," by
> Chris A. Connolly (University College, Cork, National University
> of Ireland). Connolly uses fresh evidence to suggest that
> Kissinger may have reason to claim that the US Congress had some
> responsibility in the failure of negotiations in 1973.
> * "Contesting Famine: Hunger and Nutrition in Occupied Japan,
> 1945-1952," by Chris Aldous (University of Winchester) is a study
> of how rhetoric shapes policy. Connolly analyzes the history and
> function of terms and key words which American Occupation
> authorities used in conceiving and debating food policy.
> * "Birth Control and Socialism: The Frustration of Margaret Sanger
> and Ishimoto Shizue's Mission," by Aiko Takeuchi-Demirci (Brown
> University) is the winner of the Frank B. Gibney Student Essay
> Award for 2010. Her article is a fresh interpretation of how two
> activists reached across the Pacific to liberate the women of Asia
> and America but fell into traps of cultural arrogance and nationalism.
> We've also started a new section which will from time to time reprint
> documents and brief memoirs. Kicking things off is Anson Burlingame's New
> York speech of 23 June 1868. The speech is a ringing defense of China's
> entrance into global commerce and diplomacy which seems strikingly
> contemporary. For the background, see John Schrecker's article on
> Burlingame's diplomacy in JAEAR 17.1 (2010). We'd be happy to have your
> suggestions for future documents or memoirs.
> Book Reviews include Roger Dingman's review essay on Takeo Iguchi,
> _Demystifying Pearl Harbor: A New Perspective from Japan_ (Tokyo:
> International House, 2010). Ambassador Iguchi, who was in Washington in
> 1941
> as a child, combines personal memoir and archival research to provide a
> careful revisionist account of the clash between Japanese diplomats and
> military.
> For information on past issues and how to submit articles, please see the
> Journal website: http://interworld-pacific.com/home.html
> For subscription information, please visit the website of our new
> publisher,
> Brill International: http://www.brill.nl/jaer
> --
> Charles W. Hayford
> Editor, Journal of American-East Asian Relations
> <http://interworld-pacific.com/home.html>
> Visiting Scholar, Department of History
> Northwestern University
> Evanston, IL 60208-2220
> ******************************************************************
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> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Fw: H-ASIA: Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in Minneapolis
From: "Andrew Field" <shanghaidrew@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in
> Jan 25 2011
> Sheng (Chinese reed instrument) player needed in Minneapolis
> *************************************
> From: Ann Waltner <waltn001@umn.edu>
> "Matteo Ricci: Map and Music" needs a sheng player for a performance in
> Minneapolis April 8-10. To see clips of the performance (which premiered
> in
> Beijing this December) click below. The group playing is "Sacabuche," a
> group of baroque musicians from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana
> University.
> http://fr.cntv.cn/program/journaldelaculture/20101216/106150.shtml
> Please respond to me privately.
> [in case anybody doesn't know what a sheng is, here is a wikipedia
> article on the instrument:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheng_(instrument) ]
> --
> AnnWaltner
> Professor of History
> Director, Institute for Advanced Study
> 131 Nolte Center
> 315 Pillsbury Drive SE
> University of Minnesota
> Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
> 612 626-5149
> www.ias.umn.edu
> ******************************************************************
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