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Ayurveda Rejuvenation : P H Kulkarni, Sri Satguru, 2002, Indian Medical Science Series No. 134, Reprint, 352 p, ISBN : 81-7030-745-7, Rs. 200.00 divine books
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Ayurveda Therapy : Edited by P.H. Kulkarni, Sri Satguru, 2001, Indian Medical Sciences Series No. 110, Revised & Enlarged Edition, 417 p, ISBN : 81-7030-694-9, Rs. 700.00 divine books
Ayurveda Upachar (Treatment) : P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2000, Reprint, 133 p, ISBN : 81-7030-669-8, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Ayurveda Virilization : P H Kulkarni, Sri Satguru, 2002, Reprint, 189 p, ISBN : 81-7030-746-5, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Ayurveda Vistas : P H Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 280 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-707-4, Rs. 300.00 divine books
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Ayurvedic Cooking : Shanti Gowans , Jaico, 168 p, ISBN : 81-7992-055-0 , Rs. 195.00 divine books
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Ayurvedic Dictionary : A.P. Singh, Black and White, 2006, vii, 116 p, ISBN : 81-89320-08-4, Rs. 195.00 divine books
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Ayurvedic Management of Stroke (Hemiplegia) : K. Nishteswar, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2003, Krishnadas Ayurved Series, 88, vi, 69 p, ISBN : 81-218-0126-5, Rs. 75.00 divine books
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Ayurvedic Materia Medica for Domestic Use : A Guide for Every Home (2 Vols-Set) : , Logos Press, 2006, 1006 p, 2 Vols, ISBN : 81-7268-084-8, Rs. 1,800.00 divine books
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Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants of India, Vol. 1 : Ramesh Kumar Bhutya, Scientific, 2011, 351 p, 285 col. figs, ISBN : 81-7233-684-4, Rs. 2,450.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Medicine The Living Tradition (A Guide to Ayurvedic Generic Formulations) : Prakash Paranjpe, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtha, 2003, xxi, 516 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7084-178-5, Rs. 1,200.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Minerals, Gems and Animal Products for Longevity and Rejuvenation : H S Puri, Sri Satguru, 2007, pbk, 224 p, figs, ISBN : 81-7030-850-X, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Pharmacognosy : Edited by Partap Chauhan, Sonali Publications, 2007, viii, 336 p, ISBN : 81-8411-071-5, Rs. 850.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants (Dravyagunavignyan) : Vaidya V.M. Gogte, Chaukhambha Pub, 2009, The Mohandas Indological Series 26, Reprint, xxii, 842 p, 328 illus, ISBN : 81-89798-50-5, Rs. 1,250.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Remedies : For the Whole Family : Light Miller, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002, Reprint, 470 p, ISBN : 81-208-1828-8, Rs. 395.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Subtle (Sookshma) Medicines : Edited by P H Kulkarni, Sri Staguru, 2007, x, 68 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-859-3, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Ayurvedic System of Pathology : Roga Nidanam : Kaviraj Russick Lal Gupta, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2006, Reprint, ix, 294 p, ISBN : 81-8090-088-6, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Technical Studies and Herbal Cosmetics of Ancient India : K.H. Krishnamurthy, B.R, 2001, ix, 122 p, ISBN : 81-7646-177-6, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Thesaurus or Paryaya Kosha : Medicines and Diseases : Compiled by Kanjiv Lochan, Chaukhambha Pub, 2007, x, 196 p, ISBN : 81-89798-08-6, Rs. 175.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Treatment of Common Diseases : Subhash Ranade, Sunanda Ranade and M.H. Pranjape, Sri Satguru, 1999, pbk, x, 180 p, ISBN : 81-7030-608-6, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Treatment of Diseases : Kayachikitsa : V.V. Doiphode, Sri Satguru Pub, 2007, pbk, Reprint, x, 270 p, ills, ISBN : 81-7030-851-8, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Ayurvedic Useful Plants of India : With Their Medicinal Properties and Uses in Commerce, Medicine, and the Arts : C.H. Drury, Asiatic Publishing House, 2010, Second edition, xxiv, 512 p, ISBN : 81-87067-65-8, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira : A Text Book of Ayurvediya Phisiology, Vol. I : Yogesh Chandra Mishra, Chaukhambha Pub, 2008, pbk, The Mohandas Indological Series 8, xxxiv, 462 p, ISBN : 81-89798-07-9, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Ayush : Indian Systems of Medicine : A Collection of Quality Articles/Review Papers Published in The Pharma Review (CD Only) : , KONGPOSH Pub, 2008, CD, Rs. 750.00 divine books
Basic Principles of Kriya Sharira : A Treatise on Ayurvedic Physiology (As Per CCIM Syllabus) : Srikant Kumar Panda, Chaukhambha, 2006, pbk, xvi, 230 p, ISBN : 81-89469-08-8, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Bhaisajya Kalpana Vijnanam : K Rama Chandra Reddy, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2001, Reprint, 624 p, ISBN : 81-86937-12-9, Rs. 475.00 divine books
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Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra : Original Text Along With Commentary and Translation : Including Nighantu Portion, Vol. I : Bulusu Sitasram, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2006, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 141, xvi, 742 p, Rs. 720.00 divine books
Bhavaprakasa Nighantu : Edited by Amritpal Singh, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2007, vi, 682 p, ISBN : 81-89469-11-8, Rs. 950.00 divine books
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Biographical History of Indian Medicine [Pictorial] : K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, pbk, 341 p, Rs. 225.00 divine books
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Camatkaranighantu : Raghavacarya, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 2005, pbk, xvi, 75 p, Rs. 125.00 divine books
Cancer and AIDS : Their Care/Cure in Ayurveda and Other Health Sciences : P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2007, Reprint, x, 262 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-853-4, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Cancer Therapy in Ayurveda : T.L. Devaraj, Chaukhambha, 1999, viii, 100 p, plates, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Caraka Samhita (In Sanskrit Text) : Agnivesa, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, 738 p, Rs. 560.00 divine books
Caraka Samhita : English Translation of the Text along with Commentary of Cakrapani Datta, Appendix etc, Vol. I: Sutra Sthana and Nidana Sthana : K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, xvi, 677 p, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Caraka Samhita : Text with English Translation (4 Vols-Set) : Edited by P.V. Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2000, 4 Vols, ISBN : 81-7637-011-8, Rs. 2,050.00 divine books
Challenging the Indian Medical Heritage : Darshan Shankar and P.M. Unnikrishnan, Cambridge Univ Press, Hardbound, 241 p, 1, ISBN : 9788175961876, Rs. 600.00 divine books
Child Health Care in Ayurveda : Abhimanyu Kumar, Satguru, 1999, xxvii, 337 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-389-3, Rs. 600.00 divine books
Chyawanprash : From Vedic to Genomic Era : J.K. Ojha. Edited by N.B. Brindavanam, R.M. Dobriyal, Nilanjana, C.K. Katiyar and D.B.A. Narayana, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2003, The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies, 44, xii, 208 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-7084-183-6, Rs. 600.00 divine books
Clinical Application of Ayurvedic Remedies and a List of Ayurvedic Preparations : A Panel of Vaidyas, Satguru, 1998, pbk, Reprint, viii, 209 p, ISBN : 81-7030-101-7, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Clinical Methods in Ayurveda : K R Srikantamurthy, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2002, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series. No. 42, Reprint, viii, 726 p, Rs. 325.00 divine books
Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies : Anil Kumar Dhiman, Reference Press, 2004, 636 p, figs, ISBN : 81-88583-51-0, Rs. 1,325.00 divine books
Concept of Ama in Ayurveda : M. Srinivasulu, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2005, xi, 124 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7080-155-9, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Concept of Atattvabhinivesha in Ayurveda : Rajesh Kotecha, Publication Scheme, 2000, 191 p, tables, ISBN : 81-86782-43-5, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Concept of Ayurvedic Physiology (Sharira Kriya) : Subhash Ranade and Sunanda Ranade, Narendra Prakashan, 2003, pbk, viii, 137 p, ills, Rs. 100.00 divine books
Concept of Lekhana in Ayurveda : Vaidya Mita Kotecha, Publication Scheme, 2000, xii, 122 p, tables, ISBN : 81-86782-44-3, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Concept of Plastic Surgery in Ayurveda : Hemanta Panigrahi and K.K. Sijoria, Chaukhambha Publishers, 2003, Kashi Ayurveda Series No. 29, viii, 224 p, figs, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Concept of Prakrti and Life-Style : Subhash Ranade and Rajendra Deshpande, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtha, 2004, pbk, vii, 226 p, ISBN : 81-7084-239-2, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Conceptual and Clinical Study of Ardita Vata : Facial Palsy : S. Suresh Babu, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, 2005, pbk, 202 p, figs, tables, photographs, ISBN : 81-7080-161-3, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Cure at Home : N. Anantha Raman and A. Karthik, Rupa, 2003, pbk, vi, 128 p, ills, ISBN : 81-7167-655-3, Rs. 195.00 divine books
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda : Vol. III : P C Sharma; M B Yelne & T J Dennis, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 2001, xv, 636 p, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda and Siddha, Vol. V : G.S. Lavekar, M.M. Padhi, G.V.R. Joseph, S. Selvarajan, M.B. Yelne, A.K. Mangal, K. Ganapathi Raman, P.C. Sharma and T.J. Dennis, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 2008, Reprint, xx, 572 p, 45 col. plates, Rs. 900.00 divine books
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda and Siddha, Vol. VIII : G.S. Levekar, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 2007, xxv, 514 p, plates, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda, Vol. 2 : P C Sharma; M B Yelne & T J Dennis, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 2001, xiv, 590 p, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda, Vol. VII : K.V. Billore, M.B. Yelne, T.J. Dennis and B.G. Chaudhari, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 2005, xxiv, 535 p, photographs, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Dhanvantari-Nighantu (Sanskrit Text with English Translation) : Edited by Amritpal Singh, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2008, vi, 318 p, ISBN : 81-89469-12-6, Rs. 550.00 divine books
Diabetes Mellitus (Madhumeha) and Ayurveda : Ajay Kumar Sharma, Sri Satguru, 2005, xxii, 239 p, ISBN : 81-7030-840-2, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Diagnostic Methods in Ayurveda : Ajay Sharma and Vinod Kumar Gautam, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 2008, Haridas Ayurveda Series-26, xx, 524 p, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Dictionary of Ayurveda : Vaidya Ram Chander, Sarup, Sarup and Sons, 2007, vi, 570 p, ISBN : 81-7625-758-3, Rs. 950.00 divine books
Dictionary of Ayurveda : Compiled and edited by Ravindra Sharma, Daya, 2003, viii, 412 p, ISBN : 81-7035-315-7, Rs. 695.00 divine books
Diseases of Respiratory Tract : Ayurvedic Concept : V. B. Athavale and K. V. Athavale, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtan, 2001, xvi, 148 p, The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies 34, ISBN : 81-7084-172-4, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Doctrines of Pathology in Ayurveda : K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chaukhamba, 1998, 230 p, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Sutramala : J.L.N. Sastry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, xviii, 98 p, Rs. 135.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Amritpal Singh, Chaukhambha, 2005, viii, 692 p, figs, Rs. 650.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English-Sanskrit] (3 Parts-Set) : Gyanendra Pandey, Krishnadas Academy, 2002, Krishnadas Ayurveda Series, 48, Reprint, 2841 p, 3 Parts, ISBN : 81-218-0088-9, Rs. 1,650.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English-Sanskrit], Part I. A-J : Gyanendra Pandey, Krishnadas Academy, 2002, Krishnadas Ayurveda Series, 48, Reprint, 944 p, ISBN : 81-218-0002-1, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English-Sanskrit], Part II. K-N : Gyanendra Pandey, Krishnadas Academy, 2004, Krishnadas Ayurveda Series, 48, Reprint, 824 p, ISBN : 81-218-0002-1, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English-Sanskrit], Part III. P-Y : Gyandendra Pandey, Krishnadas Academy, 2004, Krishnadas Ayurveda Series, 48, Reprint, 1088 p, ISBN : 81-218-0087-0, Rs. 650.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Vol. I: Fundamental Principles of Pharmacotherapeutics in Ayurveda : J.L.N. Sastry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2002, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series, 114, xvi, 440 p, tables, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Vol. II : Study of the Essential Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda (Illustrated) : J L N Sastry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, xx, 1134 p, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. III: Knowledge of Animal Drugs and Foods in Ayurveda (Illustrated) : J L N Sastry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2006, x, 170 p, figs, Rs. 180.00 divine books
Dravyagunakosah : Dictionary of Ayurvedic Terms Relating to Names, Synonyms, Properties and Actions of Medicinal Plants Sanskrit Hindi English : Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1997, 337 p, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Drugs Useful in Pancha Karma Therapy : K. Nishteswar and R. Vidyanath, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, xiv, 157 p, plates, Rs. 225.00 divine books
Elements of Rasayana Therapy in Ayurveda : Ajay Kumar Sharma, Sri Satguru Pub, 2005, xvii, 172 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-831-3, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Emerging Trends in Study of Ayurveda : Gyanendra Pandey, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2010, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 224, vi, 142 p, ISBN : 81-7637-211-4, Rs. 160.00 divine books
Encyclopaedia Natura Medica : The Grand Reference on Medicinal and Astral Virtues of Herbs and Minerals (4 Vols-Set) : Edited by Teresa Baldwin and Vincent Scalzo, Dominant Pub, 2008, xlii, 1176 p, 4 Vols, ISBN : 81-7888-567-0, Rs. 9,500.00 divine books
Energetic Bodywork : Practical Techniques : Rita J. McNamara, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002, xiv, 200 p, ISBN : 81-208-1832-6, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Essentials of Ayurveda : Text and Translation of Sodasangahrdayam : Priya Vrat Sharma, Motilal Banarsidass, 1998, 2nd edition, 296 p, ISBN : 81-208-0978-5, Rs. 495.00 divine books
First Treatise of Ayurveda on Treatment : Vrndamadhava of Siddha Yoga (2 Parts-Set) : Edited and translated by Premvati Tewari and Asha Kumari, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 2006, lxxii, 1144 p, 2 Parts, Rs. 2,000.00 divine books
Five Specialised Therapies of Ayurveda, Pancakarma : Based on Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda : Edited and translated by Bhagwan Dash and Lalitesh Kashyap, 1992, xxii, 399, 23 cm p, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Fluent Bodies : Ayurvedic Remedies for Postcolonial Imbalance : , Oxford University Press, 2004, x, 311 p, figs, ISBN : 0-19-567059-0, Rs. 625.00 divine books
Folk Medicine and Aromatic Plants of Uttaranchal : P.C. Pande, Lalit Tiwari and H.C. Pande, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 2006, xviii, 462 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 81-211-0516-1, Rs. 1,450.00 divine books
Fundamental Maxims of Ayurveda : S.V. Govindan, Abhinav Publications, 2003, 155 p, ISBN : 81-7017-417-1, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine : Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Satguru, 1999, Revised edition, xxv, 346 p, ISBN : 81-7030-641-8, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Fundamentals of Medical Statistics for Ayurvedic Scholars : Sathyanarayana and B. Saidulu, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, pbk, viii, 88 p, Rs. 100.00 divine books
Garlic : A Potential Treatment for Diabetes : S.A. Nasim, Axis Pub, 2010, xiv, 202 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 93-80376-45-5, Rs. 550.00 divine books
Geriatrics in Ayurveda : S. Suresh Babu and M. Madhavi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2001, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series, 107, vi, 105 p, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Ginger : A Versatile Healing Herb : S.C. Pakrashi and Anita Pakrashi, Vedams, 2003, xvi, 170 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7936-008-3, Rs. 450.00 divine books
Glossary of Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda : Amritpal Singh, Scientific, 2006, 94 p, ISBN : 81-7233-448-6, Rs. 260.00 divine books
Hand Book of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines with Formulaes : With Directory of Manufactures/suppliers of Plant, Equipments and Machineries, Packaging Materials and Raw Materials Suppliers : , Engineers India Res Institute, 2003, pbk, xviii, 382 p, ISBN : 81-86732-38-1, Rs. 750.00 divine books
Hand Book of Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulations : A Complete Hand Book of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines : , Engineers India Research Institute, 2008, pbk, xiv, 468 p, ISBN : 81-86732-95-0, Rs. 900.00 divine books
Hand Book on Ayurvedic Medicines : With Formulae, Processes and Their Uses : H. Panda, National Inst of Indus Res, 2004, pbk, xxii, 566 p, tables, ISBN : 81-86623-63-9, Rs. 975.00 divine books
Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants: Herbal Reference Library : L D Kapoor, CRC Press, 2005, 428 p, ISBN : 0849329299, Rs. 3,995.00 divine books
Handbook of Clinical Ayurveda Practice : P H Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 195 p, ISBN : 81-7030-710-4, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Handbook of Herbal Remedies : Dhananjay J. Deshpande, Agrobios, 2008, xvi, 496 p, ISBN : 81-7754-342-3, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Handbook of Medicinal Mints (Aromathematics) : Phytochemicals and Biological Activities : A. James Duke, Stephen M Beckstrom and Sternberg, CRC Press, 2005, 484 p, ISBN : 0849327245, Rs. 3,995.00 divine books
Healing Herbs of Himalaya : A Pictorial and Herbaria Guide : , Central Council for Res, 2008, xiii, 135 p, 65 col photos, ISBN : 81-7525-992-8, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Health and Harmony Through Ayurveda : Mehta A.K. Gupta N. K., B. Jain Pub, 2002, pbk, Second, 512 p, ISBN : 9788131900581, Rs. 199.00 divine books
Health and Hygiene in Vedic Literature : Nirmalendu Nath, R.N. Bhattacharya, 2006, xiv, 130 p, ISBN : 81-87661-33-X, Rs. 675.00 divine books
Health and Longevity Through Ayurveda, Yoga and Nature Cure : T.L. Devaraj, Sterling, 2003, pbk, xii, 292 p, ills, ISBN : 81-207-2472-0, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Health Rejuvenation and Longevity Through Ayurveda : Holistic and Preventive Herbs for Better Health: Simple and Best Formulations for Every Man and Woman : Chander Mohan Ghai, Deep and Deep, 2004, xii, 272 p, ISBN : 81-7629-486-1, Rs. 550.00 divine books
Healthy Living with Ayurveda : Anuradha Singh, Roli Books, 160 p, ISBN : 81-7436-361-0, Rs. 495.00 divine books
Heart Disorders and Their Care in Ayurveda : Ajay Kumar Sharma, Sri Satguru, 2005, xviii, 220 p, ISBN : 81-7030-827-5, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Heartcare in Ayurved : P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 245 p, ISBN : 81-7030-709-0, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Herbal Cosmetics and Ayurvedic Medicines (EOU) : P K Chattopadhyay, National Institute of Industrial Research, 2008, pbk, 608 p, ISBN : 81-86623-30-2, Rs. 975.00 divine books
Herbal Home Remedies : Jude C Todd, Health Harmony, 2004, pbk, xiv, 370 p, ills, ISBN : 81-8056-550-5, Rs. 149.00 divine books
Herbal Medicine : Traditional Practices : Edited by Pravin Chandra Trivedi, Aavishkar Pub, 2006, xvii, 322 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7910-152-5, Rs. 1,250.00 divine books
Herbal Medicine for Human Diseases, Vol. IV : Edited by Irfan Ali Khan and Atiya Khanum, Ukaaz, 2008, viii, 296 p, ISBN : 81-88279-55-2, Rs. 950.00 divine books
Herbal Medicine for Human Diseases: Vol: III : Edited by Irfan Ali Khan and Atiya Khanum, Ukaaz Pub, 2007, viii, 296 p, ISBN : 81-88279-42-0, Rs. 950.00 divine books
Herbs for Beauty : Revealing Ayurvedic Treasures : Prakash Paranjpe and Smita Paranjpe, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2001, The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies, 33, xviii, 264 p, ISBN : 81-7084-149-6, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Hindu Practice of Medicine : Kaviraj Russick Lal Gupta, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2006, Reprint, x, 294 p, ISBN : 81-8090-087-8, Rs. 400.00 divine books
History of Indian Medicine : Containing Notices, Biographical and Bibliographical, of the Ayurvedic Physicians and Their Works on Medicine : From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time (3 Vols-Set) : Girindranath Mukhopadhyaya and Bhisagacarya, Munshiram Manoharlal, 2003, Reprint, lxi, 868 p, 3 Vols, ISBN : 81-215-0660-3, Rs. 750.00 divine books
Home Doctor : Natural Healing Herbs Condiments and Spices : P.S. Phadke, Roli Books, 2001, 256 p, ISBN : 81-7436-167-7, Rs. 495.00 divine books
Home Remedies in Ayurveda : Ashok Majumdar, Amar Granth Publications, 2002, xxvii, 730 p, ISBN : 81-87322-14-4, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Iatro-Chemistry of Ayurveda (Rasa Sastra) : Based on Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda : Vaidya Bhagwan Dash and Vaidya Lalitesh Kashyap, Concept, 2002, Reprint, xxx, 526 p, ISBN : 81-7022-527-2, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Illustrated Madanapala Nighantu : J.L.N. Sanstry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2010, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 207, xxiv, 1004 p, 842 b/w ills, ISBN : 81-7637-191-9, Rs. 1,200.00 divine books
Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs Used in Ayurveda : Y K Sarin, Council of Scientific and Indu, 1996, xl, 422 p, figs, Rs. 2,100.00 divine books
Illustrated Susruta Samhita : Text, English Translation, Notes, Appendeces and Index, Vols. I to III : K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Parimal Pub, 2005, Rs. 1,800.00 divine books
Illustrations on Ayurvedic Surgery and Pharmaceutics : Kanjiv Lochan, Chaukhambha Pub, 2007, viii, 116 p, ills, ISBN : 81-89798-02-4, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Indian Materia Medica (2 Vols-Set) : K M Nadkarni, Popular Prakashan, 2007, Revised and Enlarged Edition, 2288 p, 2 Vols, ISBN : 81-7154-142-9, Rs. 1,200.00 divine books
Indian Medicinal Plants : Forgotten Healers: A Guide to Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine (With Identity, Habitat, Botany, Photochemistry, Ayurvedic Properties, Formulations and Clinical Usage) : Prakash Paranjpe, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2005, The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnana Studies, 26, Reprint, xxxii, 316 p, plates, ISBN : 81-7084-170-8, Rs. 2,500.00 divine books
Insights in to Ayurveda : Vaidya Vilas Nanal, Chaukhambha Pub, 2007, pbk, viii, 384 p, Rs. 385.00 divine books
Instant and Fast Acting Ayurvedic Treatment : Drugs, Formulas and Therapies : Vaidya Shrikar D. Jalukar, Sri Satguru, 1999, xii, 206 p, ISBN : 81-7030-628-X, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Introduction to Kayachikitsa : C Dwarakanatha, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1996, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series. No. 87, Reprint, 400 p, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Inventory of Animal Products Used in Ayurveda Siddha and Unani : National Bio-Resources Development Board, Department of Bio-Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology Government of India: Part I and II : Chief editor G.S. Lavekar, Central Council for Res, 2008, Clxxxxi, 874 p, Col. plates, ISBN : 81-907420-0-9 (Part. I); 81-907420-1-6 (Part-II), Rs. 1,600.00 divine books
Joint Disorders Care in Ayurveda : Edited by P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 212 p, ISBN : 81-7030-714-7, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Kaamratnam : Pandit Jvala Prasad Mishra, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan , 2002, 356 p, ISBN : 8186050906, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Kakacandisvarakalpatantra : English translation by Gyanendra Pandey, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2003, viii, 160 p, ISBN : 81-7080-086-2, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Kasyapa-Samhita or Vrddhajivakiya Tantra : Preached by Maharsi Marica Kasyapa; Summarized then Written by His Disciple Acarya VrddhaJivaka; Redacted by Latter's Descendant Vatsya (Text with English Translation and Commentary) : Edited by P.V. Tewari , Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 2002, [Haridas Ayurveda Series, 2], Reprint, lxxii, 792 p, Rs. 1,000.00 divine books
Kaumarabhrtya (Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics) in Ayurveda (A Bird's Eye View) : P V Tewari, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 1999, xxviii, 140 p, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Kaumarabhrtyam (Paediatrics in Ayurveda) : V.L.N. Sastry, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, pbk, Reprint, xviii, 345 p, Rs. 180.00 divine books
Kaya-Cikitsa : Rejuvenation-Therapy (Rasayana-Cikitsa) (Gerientology): Fourth Paper, Part II (A) : H.L. Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, 470 p, ISBN : 81-89469-02-9, Rs. 750.00 divine books
Kaya-Cikitsa : Virilification-Therapy : Vajikarana, Sexology, Vol. IV, Part II-B : H.L. Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2006, 402 p, ISBN : 81-89469-03-7, Rs. 650.00 divine books
Kayacikitsa : Body Purification Therapy (Pancakarma): Fourth Paper (Part-I) : H.L. Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2006, 942 p, ISBN : 81-89469-01-0, Rs. 1,000.00 divine books
Kitchen Remedies (The Ayurvedic Way) : Anand Moreshwar Raut. Translated into English by Shefali Thanawala, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtha, 2003, xvi, 96 p, ISBN : 81-7084-191-1, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Ksemakutuhalam: A Work on Dietetics and Well-Being : Translated by Ksemasarma, Indian Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (IIAIM), 2009, 468 p, ISBN : 978-81-9089-650-4, Rs. 600.00 divine books
Macroscopic and Microscopic Atlas of Pharmacopoeial Drugs (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India), Vol V, Part I : , The Controller of Publications, 2009, 270 p, 254 plates, ISBN : 978-81-905952-4-7, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Madhava Cikitsa Sutramala : Treatment for Diseases Mentioned in Madhava Nidana : J L N Sastry and V Lakshmana Prasad, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2007, x, 278 p, ISBN : 81-7637-036-3, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Madhava Nidana : Ayruvedic System of Pathology : K.R.L. Gupta, Sri Satguru, 1997, Reprint, v, 270 p, ISBN : 81-7030-130-0, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Madhava Nidanam (Roga Viniscaya) of Madhavakara (A Treatise on Ayurveda) : Translated into English by K.R. Srikanta Murthy, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2001, Reprint, xxviii, 330 p, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Madhavanidanam of Sri Madhavakara : Sanskrit Text and Madhukosa Commentary with English Translation and Glossary : Purvarddha :Part-I (1-32 Chapters) : P Himasagara Chandra Murthy, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2006, xvi, 376 p, ISBN : 81-7080-215-6, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Manas : Psychiatry of Ayurveda : Pedaprolu Srinivasa Rao, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2007, pbk, xii, 148 p, ISBN : 81-7080-224-5, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Manasollasa and Ayurveda : Mahadev N. Joshi and B.S. Hebbali, Sharada Pub, 2004, xiv, 272 p, ISBN : 81-85616-97-3, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Marma and Its Management : J.N. Mishra and Pradeep Kumar Chouhan, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, ix, 254 p, figs, Rs. 315.00 divine books
Materia Medica and Herbal Pharmacology : Amritpal Singh, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, v, 222 p, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Materia Medica of Ayurveda : Based on Madanapala's Nighantu : Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, B Jain Pub, 2006, Reprint, lii, 780 p, ISBN : 81-7021-493-9, Rs. 240.00 divine books
Mathematics and Medicine in Sanskrit : Edited by Dominik Wujastyk, Motilal Banarsidass, 2009, viii, 208 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-208-3246-6, Rs. 600.00 divine books
Mathematics in Ayurveda : S A Gokhale and J Y Deopujari, Chaukhamba Pub, 2008, pbk, Mohandas Indological Series-5, viii, 172 p, ISBN : 81-89798-12-3, Rs. 175.00 divine books
Medicinal Plants of India : A Guide to Ayurvedic and Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants With Identity, Botany, Phytochemistry, Ayurvedic Properties, Clinical and Ethnomedicinal Uses, Vol. III : Dinesh Jadhav, Scientific Pub, 2009, xxxiv, 214 p, ISBN : 81-7233-601-1, Rs. 1,550.00 divine books
Medicinal Plants of India : A Guide to Ayurvedic and Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants: Vol:I & II : Dinesh Jadhav, Scientific, 2008, 518 p, 2 vols, 54 colour photographs, ISBN : 81-7233-545-8, Rs. 3,350.00 divine books
Medicinal Plants of Nepal for Ayurvedic Drugs : Edited by T.K. Rajbhandari, N.R. Joshi, T. Shrestha, S.K.G. Joshi and B. Acharya, Natural Products Development Division, MFSC, DPR, 1995, viii, 424 p, 137 figs, 96 col. photographs, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Musing Ayurved : P H Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 239 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-708-2, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Myopathy : Ayurvedic Perspective : S. Suresh Babu, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2002, iv, 80 p, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Natural Health and Yoga : For Perfect Health : Brij Bhushan Goel, All India Nature Cure Federation, 2007, pbk, Reprint. First Published in 2004, xx, 404 p, illus, ISBN : 81-9022-911-7, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Natural Skin Care Alternative and Traditional Techniques Including Ayurveda : Loughran Joni, B. Jain Pub, 2002, pbk, 272 p, ISBN : 9788131902035, Rs. 199.00 divine books
Naturopathy : For Perfect Health : Edited by S.D. Dwivedi, Kalpaz, 2002, 211 p, ISBN : 81-7835-075-0, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Neurological Disorders and Care in Ayurveda : Edited by P.H. Kulkarni, Sri Satguru, 2006, pbk, Reprint, 200 p, ISBN : 81-7030-846-1, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Niceties of Ayurvedic Subhasitas : Krishna V. Joshi, Sharada Pub, 2011, xii, 184 p, ISBN : 978-81-8893-472-0, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Obesity : Etiopathogenesis and Ayurvedic Management : Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Chaukhambha, 2005, pbk, ix, 77 p, Rs. 75.00 divine books
Ocean of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (Illustrated) : K Rama Chandra Reddy, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2007, xx, 740 p, tables, ills, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Padartha Vijnana : Basic Principles of Ayurveda : Yogesh Chandra Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2004, pbk, xxxiii, 606 p, ISBN : 81-86937-55-2, Rs. 295.00 divine books
Pancabhuta Theory (A Viable Concept for Application and Expertise): A Study of Pancabhutas at Molecular Level; Pancabhuta Concept of Tridhatus/Tridosas: A Study of Tridhatus at Cellular Level; Neurohumoral Theory is the Continuation of Tridosa Theory: Bio : Namburi Hanumantha Rao, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2003, Krishnadas Ayurved Series, 87, xvi, 131 p, ISBN : 81-218-0127-3, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Panchakarma : Illustrated : G Shirnivasa Acharya, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2006, xviii, 460 p, ISBN : 81-7084-307-9, Rs. 2,000.00 divine books
Panchakarma in Ayurveda : Edited by P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2001, Reprint, 114 p, ISBN : 81-7030-715-5, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Papers on the Ayurvedic Studies : Edited by Brahmananda Gupta, The Asiatic Society, 2006, pbk, viii, 140 p, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Parameswarappa's Ayurvediya Vikrti Vijnana and Roga Vijnana, Vol. I. Vikrti-Vijnana : P S Byadgi, Chaukhambha Pub, 2007, The Mohandas Indological Series 3, xxviii, 544 p, ISBN : 81-89798-03-1, Rs. 495.00 divine books
Perspectives of Indian Medicinal Plants in the Management of Liver Disorders : Edited by S S Handa, Indian Council of Medical Res, 2008, 494 p, tables, plates, ISBN : 81-906438-0-1, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Pharmacology of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants : C.R. Karnick, Satguru, 1996, 67 p, ISBN : 81-7030-482-2, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Philosophic Foundation of Ayurveda : B.G. Gopinath, Parimal Pub, 2008, ISBN : 81-7084-376-7, Rs. 250.00 divine books
Piles Care and Treatment in Ayurveda : M Bhaskar Rao, Sri Satguru, 2002, Indian Medical Science Series No. 125, Reprint, v, 204 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 81-7030-738-4, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Poisonous (VISA) Plants in Ayurveda : L.B. Singh, Parimal Pub, 2003, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Power, Knowledge, Medicine : Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals at Home and in the World : Madhulika Banerjee, Orient Blackswan, 2009, xviii, 330 p, ISBN : 81-250-3528-2, Rs. 795.00 divine books
Practical Ayurveda : Atreya, Jaico, 256 p, ISBN : 81-7224-811-3 , Rs. 195.00 divine books
Prana-Pratyagamanam : Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation : Brijmohan Singh, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2010, pbk, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series - 212, viii, 64 p, tables, 20 figs, ISBN : 81-7637-204-6, Rs. 75.00 divine books
Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine (2 Vols-Set) : Rustomjee Naserwanjee Khory, Biotech Books, 2004, xx, 1056 p, 2 Vols, tables, ISBN : 81-7622-100-7, Rs. 2,500.00 divine books
Rasa Sastra : Damodar Joshi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2006, pbk, lxiv, 404 p, tables, Rs. 225.00 divine books
Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine and Alchemy(Compiled in Sanskrit) (5 Vols-Set) : Bhudeb Mookerjee, Chaukhambha, 2004, Reprint, cix, 1815 p, 5 Vols, Rs. 1,500.00 divine books
Rasaratnasamuccaya : Translation and Commentary in English : V A Dole, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2006, xviii, 422 p, ISBN : 81-7080-220-2, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Rasendra Sara Sangrah of Sri Gopal Krishna Bhatt : Parimi Suresh and Vinaya Kumari Dhannapuneni, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2007, xvi, 1112 p, ISBN : 81-89798-05-5, Rs. 1,250.00 divine books
Rasendra Sara Sangraha of Sri Gopal Krishna : English translation by Ashok D. Satpute, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2003, xiv, 714 p, ISBN : 81-218-0122-2, Rs. 450.00 divine books
Rasendramangalam of Nagarjuna (Edited with Aihore Hindi Vimarsa, Bhavanuvada and English Translation and Notes [Chapters 1-4], First Part) : Kaviraja H.S. Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2003, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series, 119, xvi, 216 p, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Religious Therapeutics : Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra : Gregory P. Fields, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002, pbk, viii, 222 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-208-1875-X, Rs. 195.00 divine books
Researches in Ayurveda : Past and Present (Felicitation Volume in Honour of Vaidya Pandit Gulraj Sharma Mishra) : Edited by Vaidya Banwari Lal Gaur and Vaidya Santosh Kumar Sharma, Publication Scheme, 2000, 434 p, photos, ISBN : 81-86782-67-2, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Respiratory Diseases and Its Treatment Through Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines : Narendra Jain, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2005, 158 p, ISBN : 81-7080-163-X, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Salient Features of Ayurveda : S.C. Dhyani, Chaukhambha, 2004, 100 p, diagrams, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Salient Features of Ayurveda : S.D. Jalukar, Satguru, 2003, Indian Medical Science Series No. 143, xviii, 173 p, ISBN : 81-7030-778-3, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Sarngadhar-Samhita (A Treatise on Ayurveda) : Sarngadhara. Translated into English by K.R. Srikanta Murthy, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2001, Reprint, xvi, 336 p, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies : Edited by Lakshmi Chandra Mishra, CRC Press, 2010, Reprint, xxii, 626 p, tables, ISBN : 0-8493-1366-X, Rs. 1,995.00 divine books
Scorpion Sting : Clinical Manifestations, Management and Literature : H.S. Bawaskar, Popular, 1999, 143 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 81-7154-718-4, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Secrets of Ayurvedic Massage : Atreya, Satguru, 2000, xii, 180 p, ISBN : 81-7030-681-7, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Secrets of Marma : A Comprehensive Text Book of Ayurvedic Vital Points : Avinash Lele, Subhash Ranade and David Frawley, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2005, Reprint, v, 120 p, figs, ISBN : 81-7084-177-7, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Selected Ayurvedic Formulations : Compiled by K. Nishteshwar, A. Anil Kumar and P.V.N.R. Prasad, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2007, x, 226 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7637-037-0, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Sex Herbs : Nature's Sexual Enhancers for Men and Women : Beth Ann Petro Roybal and Gayle Skowronski, Health Harmony, 2002, Reprint, 326 p, ISBN : 81-7021-1178-X, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Shadkarma of Yoga Vis-a-Vis Panchakarma of Ayurveda : S.V. Govindan, M.S. Chandrasekharan Nair Foundation, 2000, 80 p, ills, Rs. 200.00 divine books
Sharir-Subhashit : Selected - Recitable and Memorable Pieces of Padya (Shloka) and Gadya (Proses) of Sharir (Sanskrit - Hindi - English Version with Explanations) : D.G. Thatte, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2003, Krishnadas Ayurveda Series, 89, 101 p, ISBN : 81-218-0128-1, Rs. 125.00 divine books
Sharira Rachana Vigyan : A Text Book of Human Anatomy : D.G. Thatte, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2005, xxxix, 770 p, figs, plates, ISBN : 81-7080-154-0, Rs. 875.00 divine books
Significance of Ayurvediya Marma : Vital Body Points : Based on Susruta Sarira : Raakhee Mehra, Readworthy, 2008, xxvi, 270 p, ills, ISBN : 81-89973-51-7, Rs. 790.00 divine books
Simple Ayurvedic Remedies : H S Puri, UBSPD, 2002, pbk, xii, 244 p, ISBN : 81-7476-349-X, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Skin Care and Cure in Ayurveda : P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2007, pbk, viii, 228 p, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-852-6, Rs. 280.00 divine books
Snehana Therapy in Ayurveda : A Descriptive and Analytical Review on Internal Oleation : Vaidya Vasant C Patil, Chaukhambha Pub, 2008, pbk, The Mohandas Indological Series 10, viii, 200 p, ISBN : 81-89798-13-0, Rs. 175.00 divine books
Some Cardiotonic Herbs : Vaidya Vilas Nanal, Chaukhambha Pub, 2007, pbk, x, 106 p, Rs. 160.00 divine books
Some Lesser Known Herbal Drugs in Ayurveda : Gyanendra Pandey, Sri Satguru, 1996, 127 p, ISBN : 81-7030-512-8, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Spice of Life : Magical Healing Power of Turmeric : Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi and Anita Pakrashi, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, 2006, xx, 296 p, ISBN : 81-7236-320-6, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Sri Vinodlalsen's Bhaisajya Ratnavali : Reknowned Treatise on Applied Pharmaceutical Therapeutics in Medical Practice, Vol. II : Gyanendra Pandey, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2007, Revised and enlarged edition, xxxviii, 960 p, ISBN : 81-7080-221-0, Rs. 1,200.00 divine books
Stri Vandhyatwa : Vinaya Kumari and Parimi Suresh, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2010, pbk, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 211, 98 p, ISBN : 81-7637-203-9, Rs. 100.00 divine books
Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in Saraswatinighantuh : Edited by S D Kamat, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2006, xx, 202 p, ISBN : 81-7084-312-6, Rs. 300.00 divine books
Supplement to Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs Used in Ayurveda : T N Srivastava; B K Kapahi and S S Handa, Council of Scientific and Indu, 2004, xiv, 126 p, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Surgery in Ayurveda : Shalya Shalakya : Edited by P H Kulkarni, Sri Satguru Pub, 2008, Indian Medical Science Series No. 137, xii, 220 p, ISBN : 81-7030-898-4, Rs. 400.00 divine books
Surgical Anatomy in Ayurveda : D.G. Thatte, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2009, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 186, xxvi, 246 p, 62 figs, ISBN : 81-7637-132-2, Rs. 350.00 divine books
Susruta Samhita : Sanskrit Text with English Translation, Vols. I to III : Translated by Kaviraj Kunjalal Bhishagratna, Parimal Pub, 2005, ISBN : 81-7080-008-0, Rs. 1,050.00 divine books
Susruta Samhita : Uttar Tantra (Concluding Doctrine of Susruta), With Special Notes on Dalhana's Commentary: Study on Salakya Tantra (Illustrated), Vol. I : Hemanta Panigrahi, Chaukhambha Pub, 2005, xii, 683 p, figs, Rs. 850.00 divine books
Susruta-Samhita : With English Translation of Text and Dalhana's Commentary Alongwith Critical Notes (3 Vols-Set) : Edited and translated by Priya Vrat Sharma, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, 2001, xxiv, 1983 p, 3 Vols, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Susruta-Samhita of Susruta : English Translation and Explanatory Notes, Parts 1-3 : Edited by G D Singhal, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2007, The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies 88, Reprint, 1976 p, 3 parts, ISBN : 81-7084-375-9, Rs. 2,500.00 divine books
Synopsis of Susruta Samhita : Rajneesh V. Giri, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2003, pbk, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series, 123, xiv, 294 p, Rs. 180.00 divine books
Synopsis on Caraka Samhita : Rajneesh V. Giri and Smitha Rajneesh, Chaukhambha Oreintalia, 2005, pbk, 226 p, Rs. 135.00 divine books
Taking Traditional Knowledge to the Market : The Modern Image of the Ayurvedic and Unani Industry : Maarten Bode, Orient Longman, 2008, xii, 260 p, tables, ills, ISBN : 81-250-3315-7, Rs. 625.00 divine books
Text Book of Rasa Sastra : K Rama Chandra Reddy, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2007, pbk, 628 p, Rs. 535.00 divine books
Text Book on Agada Tantra : Ashwinkumar S Bharati, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2007, pbk, xxiv, 190 p, tables, Rs. 160.00 divine books
Text Book On Vyavahara Ayurveda : Ashwinkumar S. Bharati, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2009, pbk, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series - 196, xxviii, 264 p, figs, ISBN : 81-7637-168-1, Rs. 250.00 divine books
The Ayurveda Encyclopedia : Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention and Longevity : Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha, Sri Satguru, 2004, Reprint, xvi, 669 p, figs, ISBN : 81-7030-801-1, Rs. 2,000.00 divine books
The Ayurveda Encyclopedia : Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, and Longevity : Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha, B Jain Pub, 2006, pbk, xxiv, 736 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-8056-649-8, Rs. 650.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Diet : The Ancient Way to Health Rejuvenation and Weight Control : Dennis Thompson and Susan Tinkle, Motilal Banarsidass, 2009, 2nd Edition, xviii, 173 p, ISBN : 9788178220147, Rs. 0.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India : Vol: VI: Part : I : , The Controller of Publications, 2009, xxx, 426 p, ISBN : 81-905952-1-6, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India : Volume . II : Part. I : , The Controller of Publications, 1999, xxx, 368 p, figs, ISBN : 81-901151-0-3, Rs. 0.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India : Volumes 1 to V: Part I (CD Only) : , Central Council for Res, 2008, Rs. 100.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol. I : Part I : , The Controller of Publications, 2001, Reprint, xxviii, 260 p, figs, tables, ISBN : 81-901151-3-8, Rs. 0.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol. III : Part I : , The Controller of Publications, 2001, xxxiv, 460 p, ISBN : 81-901151-2-X, Rs. 250.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol. III : Part II. Formulations : , The Controller of Publications, 2011, 292 p, tables, ISBN : 81-906489-3-96, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol. IV, Part-1 : , The Controller of Publications, 2004, xxxiii, 345 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 81-901151-5-4, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Vol. I: Part II: Formulations (CD Only) : , Central of Res in Ayurveda, 2008, Rs. 100.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume II: Part II: Formulations, (CD Only) : , Central Council for Res, 2008, Rs. 100.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume. I, Part. II: Formulations : , The Controller of Publications, 2008, xlii, 280 p, figs, ISBN : 81-901151-5-5, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume. II, Part. II: Formulations : , The Controller of Publications, 2008, xxxviii, 322 p, ISBN : 81-905952-0-9, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume. V, Part. I : , The Controller of Publications, 2006, xl, 408 p, figs, ISBN : 81-901151-6-2, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume. VII, Part. I: Minerals and Metals : , Controller of Publications, 2009, xxxvii, 158 p, 21 colour plates, ISBN : 81-905952-2-3, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic Plants : P.H. Kulkarni and Shahida Ansari, Satguru, 2004, xvi, 334 p, ISBN : 81-7030-797-X, Rs. 1,000.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic System Of Indian Medicine (3 Vols-Set) : Y. T. Jasrai, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan , 2005, 1415 p, ISBN : 818090041X, Rs. 4,500.00 divine books
The Ayurvedic System of Medicine (2 Vols-Set) : Kaviraj Nagendra Nath Sengupta, India Books Centre, 1998, Reprint, 1033 p, 2 Vols, ISBN : 81-7030-595-0, Rs. 2,000.00 divine books
The Caraka Samhita (Expounded by the Worshipful Atreya Punarvasu, Compiled by the Great Sage Agnivesa and Redacted by Caraka and Drdhabala) : , Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2008, English Edition. Reprint, 1052 p, ISBN : 81-7637-080-6, Rs. 900.00 divine books
The Caraka Samhita : Expounded by the Worshipful Atreya Punarvasu, Compiled by the Great Sage Agnivesa and Redacted by Caraka and Drdhabala with Translations in Hindi, Gujarati and English, Vol. I to VI : , Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2008, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series 151, Reprint, 4666 p, 6 vols, 312 b&w plates, ISBN : 81-7637-081-3, Rs. 9,000.00 divine books
The Encyclopaedia of Ayurveda (2 Vols-Set) : P H Kulkarni, Satguru, 2005, xl, 870 p, 2 Vols, tables, ISBN : 81-7030-809-7, Rs. 4,000.00 divine books
The Flux of Existence an Ayurvedic Vision : Vaidya Upendra Digambar Dixit, Publication Scheme, 2002, ISBN : 81-86782-52-4, Rs. 0.00 divine books
The Green Pharmacy : New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs : James A. Duke, Scientific, 2002, Reprint, xx, 508 p, ISBN : 81-7233-313-7, Rs. 850.00 divine books
The Healer's Wisdom : Fundamentals of Whole Body Healing : Jennifer Fraser, Health Harmony, 2002, xiii, 274 p, ISBN : 81-7021-1179-8, Rs. 0.00 divine books
The Healing Power of Essential Oils : Fragrance Secrets for Everyday Use : Rodolphe Balz, Motilal Banarsidass, 1999, 203 p, figs, ISBN : 81-208-1612-9, Rs. 295.00 divine books
The Herbal Flora of Assam and North-Eastern India : S.N. Sharma, Spectrum Pub, 2005, xxiii, 170 p, illus, ISBN : 81-8344-004-5, Rs. 880.00 divine books
The Holistic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine : R.H. Singh, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratistha, 1998, vi, 363 p, ISBN : 81-7084-132-6, Rs. 400.00 divine books
The Ideal Physician : V.B. Athavale and K.V. Athavale, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2003, xiv, 56 p, ISBN : 81-7084-143-7, Rs. 150.00 divine books
The Legacy of Caraka : M.S. Valiathan, Universities Press, 2009, 634 p, ISBN : 81-250-2505-4, Rs. 695.00 divine books
The Legacy of Susruta : M.S. Valiathan, Universities Press, 2009, 908 p, ISBN : 81-250-3150-5, Rs. 925.00 divine books
The Legacy of Vagbhata : M.S. Valiathan, Universities Press, 2009, 920 p, ISBN : 81-7371-668-3, Rs. 1,195.00 divine books
The Madhavanidana : With Madhukosa The Commentary by Vijayaraksita and Srikanathadatta Ch. 1-10 : G.J. Meulenbeld, Motilal Banarsidass, 2008, vii, 709 p, ISBN : 81-208-3330-2, Rs. 1,495.00 divine books
The Mind in Ayurveda and Other Indian Traditions : A.R.V. Murthy, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2004, xxvii, 455 p, ISBN : 81-7084-272-2, Rs. 400.00 divine books
The Pancakarma Treatment of Ayurveda Including Keraliya Pancakarma : Ajay Kumar Sharma, Satguru, 2002, Indian Medical Science Series No. 151, xxxii, 372 p, ills, ISBN : 81-7030-752-X, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Pancakarma Treatment of Ayurveda with Kerala Specialities (Keraliya Pancakarma) : T L Devaraj, Chaukhambha Pub, 2006, Reprint, xxii, 506 p, plates, ISBN : 81-89469-07-X, Rs. 500.00 divine books
The Path of Practice : The Ayurvedic Book of Healing with Food, Breath, and Sound : Maya Tiwari, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002, xii, 419 p, figs, ISBN : 81-208-1857-1, Rs. 350.00 divine books
The Practical Panchakarma Therapy : T.L. Devaraj, Chaukhambha Orientala, 2009, Kashi Ayurveda Series - 75, xviii, 366 p, 434 col. photographs, ISBN : 81-89469-00-9, Rs. 2,500.00 divine books
The Primer of Ayurveda : Containing Principles of Ayurveda; Healthy Life; Ayurvedic Pharmacy-Herbs and Minerals; Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Diseases : P.H. Kulkarni, Satguru, 2002, Reprint, 242 p, ISBN : 81-7030-744-9, Rs. 400.00 divine books
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa : Ayurveda's Internal Medicine, Vol. I : S. Suresh Babu, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2003, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series, No. 116, xx, 264 p, Rs. 360.00 divine books
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa : Ayurveda's Internal Medicine, Vol. II : S Suresh Babu, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, pbk, xxii, 422 p, tables, Rs. 200.00 divine books
The Psycho-Somatic Axis in Ayurveda Treatment : S. Suresh Bab, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, 2003, 100 p, ISBN : 81-218-0119-2, Rs. 100.00 divine books
The Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India: Volume I: Part I (With CD) : , Ministry of Health and Fam, 2008, xli, 359 p, ISBN : 81-906489-1, Rs. 400.00 divine books
The Vital Force in Health and Disease : S K Ramchandra Rao, Sri Satguru, 2002, vi, 106 p, ISBN : 81-7030-741-4, Rs. 200.00 divine books
The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine : David Frawley and Vasant Lad, Motilal, 1994, 249 p, diagrams, charts, Rs. 295.00 divine books
Thin Layer Chromatographic Atlas of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Drugs, Vol. I (Part I) : , The Controller of Pub, 2009, xx, 164 p, 358 col. figs, ISBN : 81-905952-3-0, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Traditional Ayurvedic Treatments of Kerala : Poornima Bhat, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2004, pbk, Reprint, v, 73 p, plates, ISBN : 81-218-0163-X, Rs. 100.00 divine books
Traditional Knowledge on the Medicinal Plants of Ayurveda : Sandhya Singh, Preeti Pandey and Sushil Kumar, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2000, vi, 392 p, ISBN : 81-86943-65-X, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Tridosha Theory : A Study on the Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda : V V Subrahmanya Sastri, Arya Vaidya Sala; Kottakkal, 2002, pbk, [Kottakkal Ayurveda Series: 18], Reprint, 269 p, Rs. 220.00 divine books
Uncommon Plant Drugs of Ayurveda : Gyanendra Pandey, 1994, xxv, 359 p, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis : Sanjeev Rastogi, Pratibha, 2001, xii, 112 p, tables, figs, ISBN : 81-7702-045-5, Rs. 0.00 divine books
Vagbhata's Astanga Hrdayam (3 Vols-Set) : Translated by K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2004, Reprint, 1710 p, 3 Vols, tables, ISBN : 81-218-0022-6, Rs. 1,200.00 divine books
Vagbhata's Astanga Samgraha (Text with English Translation, Notes, Index and Sloka Index) : P. Srinivas Rao, Chowkhamba Krishnadas, 2005, pbk, x, 526 p, ISBN : 81-218-0189-3, Rs. 425.00 divine books
Vaidyaka Paribhasa Pradipa of Sri Govindasena : English translation by K. Ramachandra Reddy and Parimi Suresh, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2003, The Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan Series, 34, xvi, 135 p, ISBN : 81-86937-38-2, Rs. 150.00 divine books
Vangasena Samhita or Cikitsasara Samagraha of Vangasena : Vol. 1 : Nidanadhikara to Slipadarogadhikara : Nirmal Saxena, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2004, xiv, 669 p, ISBN : 81-7080-124-9, Rs. 800.00 divine books
Vrana and Its Healing : Raakhee Mehra, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005, xxxii, 324 p, tables, ISBN : 81-89469-09-6, Rs. 650.00 divine books
Vrksayurveda of Parasara : A Treatise on Plant Science (Sanskrit Text, English Translation and Notes with Comparative References to Modern Botany) : Edited by N.N. Sircar and Roma Sarkar, Satguru, 1996, xxxiv, 166 p, figs, ills, ISBN : 81-7030-441-5, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Wound Healing Drug Therapy : Vranaropana Ausadhi Vijnanam : Gyanendra Pandey, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2004, v, 698 p, ISBN : 81-7080-143-5, Rs. 825.00 divine books
Yajnavalkyasmrti of Yogisvara Maharsi Yajnavalkya : B.S. Bist, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2004, xxv, 331 p, ISBN : 81-7084-273-0, Rs. 500.00 divine books
Yoga and Ayurveda : Self Healing and Self-Realization : David Frawley, Motilal Banarsidass, 2000, 333 p, ISBN : 81-208-1699-4, Rs. 495.00 divine books
Yoga Ratnakara (Sanskrit Text with English Translation and Explanatory Notes), Vol. I : Purvardham : Edited by Madham Shetty Suresh Babu, Chowkhamba Sanskrit, 2005, xxv, 698 p, ISBN : 81-7080-149-4, Rs. 850.00 divine books
Yoga Ratnakara : Sanskrit Text with English Translation and Explanatory Notes, Vols. I and II : S. Suresh Babu, Parimal Pub, 2008, ISBN : 978-81-7080-282-2, Rs. 1,700.00 divine books
Yogatarangini of Trimalla Bhatta : Nirmal Saxena, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, 2007, xx, 514 p, ISBN : 81-89986-07-0, Rs. 895.00 divine books
Yogic Secrets Of The Vedas: Exploring The Roots Of Yoga And Ayurveda : Yogi Baba and Prem Tom Beal, Aditya Prakashan, 2011, ISBN : 9788177421026, Rs. 375.00 divine books
Your Health and Ayurveda : Kavita Vyas, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2009, pbk, Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 188, Reprint, 233 p, ISBN : 81-7637-157-5, Rs. 160.00
Divine Books.
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