No.15. Sri Narada Pancaratram-The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/Eng.Trans.Sw
Divine Books Murari Lal Chharia Marg. 40/13.Shakti Nagar.Delhi-110007.India
No.15. Sri Narada Pancaratram-The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/Eng.Trans.Swami Vijnananda, Delhi,Divine Books.
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No15, isbn.978-93-81218-25-9 rS.400-00
No.10. (2Parts).The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira. Eng.Trans/N.Chidambaram Iyer.Delhi.Divine Books.
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No10, (2 Parts.)ISBN.978-93-81218-15-9,Vol.I. ,978-93-81218-16-7 Vol.II.,978-93-81218-17-4(SET>) Set. Rs600-00
Catalouge of Divine Books.
Catalouge of Divine Books.
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series
No.1. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and Dvaita Readings Vol. I.
Skandhas 1-7./ T.R.Krishnacharya,,,Delhi,Divine Books. ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0,(vol.I)
ISBN.978-81-920763-2-4 (Set). Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No.1. Rs.400.
No.2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and Dvaita Readings Vol. 2.
Skandhas 8-12./ T.R.Krishnacharya,,,Delhi,Divine Books,ISBN.978-81-920763-1-7.(Vol.II.)
ISBN.978-81-920763-2-4 (Set) Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No.2.. Rs.400
No.5. The Twelve Principal Upanisads,with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss./
Trans.into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra.Delhi,Divine Books.ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No5. Rs.800
No.6 & 7. The Brahma-Vaivarta Purana.-Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.).
Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II/Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen.,Delhi,Divine Books,
ISBN.978-81-920763-6-2.(vol.I).978-81-920763-7-9.Vol.II. 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET)
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No 6 & 7 Set.Rs.1000-00
No.10. (2Parts).The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira. Eng.Trans/N.Chidambaram Iyer.Delhi.Divine Books.
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No10, (2 Parts.)ISBN.978-93-81218-15-9,Vol.I. ,978-93-81218-16-7 Vol.II.,978-93-81218-17-4(SET>) Set. Rs600-00
No.11. Bhaklti Ratnawali with the Commentary of Vishnu Puri.Trans. a Professor of Sanskrit,,Delhi,Divine Books.,
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No11, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 Rs.300.
No.12. An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/Srisa Chandra Vasu.,Delhi,Divine Books, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No12. Rs.120-00
No.15. Sri Narada Pancaratram-The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/Eng.Trans.Swami Vijnananda, Delhi,Divine Books.
Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No15, isbn.978-93-81218-25-9 rS.400-00
Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series.
No.3.The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha Bodhisattva. Translatedfrom Chinese into English/Samuel Beal.
ISBN.978-93- 81218-14-3. Delhi.Divine Books (Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series) Rs.450-00
No.4. Buddhist Suttas/ Eng.Trans.T.W.Rhys Davids. ISBN.978-93-81218-02-0 Delhi.Divine Books.
(Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series.4) Rs.450-00
No.6. Buddha-Carita.Eng.Trans.E.B.Cowell. ISBN978-93-81218-04-4. Delhi.Divine Books. (Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series.6) Rs.300.00
No.11..The Lotus Sutra-Being an english translation of Saddharma-Pundrika Sutra/Trans.H.Kern.,Delhi.Divine Books.
ISBN.978-93-81218-01-3 (Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series.11) Rs.450-00
> April 16, 2011
> SSRC Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop Reminder (Deadline April 27)
> ***********************************************************************
> From: Korean Studies <>
> The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the Korea Foundation are
> pleased to announce the fourth annual Korean Studies Dissertation
> Workshop.
> When: July 6-10, 2011
> Where: Pacific Grove, CA - Asilomar Conference Center
> Application Deadline: April 27, 2011
> The Social Science Research Council Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop
> seeks to create a sustained network of advanced graduate students and
> faculty engaged in research on Korea. The four-day workshop provides an
> informal setting for participants to give and receive critical feedback on
> dissertations in progress.
> Individual students will lead discussions of their projects with mentor
> faculty and peers from various disciplines to receive creative and
> critical input on improving their fieldwork plans or writing strategies.
> This year's mentor faculty include Nancy Abelmann (University of Illinois
> at Urbana-Champaign), Suk-young Kim (University of California, Santa
> Barbara), and Jun Yoo (University of Hawaii at Manoa). An additional
> mentor will be drawn from the sociology or political science fields.
> . Only full-time advanced graduate students, regardless of citizenship,
> who are enrolled at US or Canadian institutions are eligible.
> . Participants may be in any social science or humanities field.
> . Applicants must have an approved dissertation prospectus but cannot have
> completed writing for final submission.
> . Special consideration will be given to students from universities that
> are not major Korean Studies institutions.
> For the application and more information, please visit us on the web at
> Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop
> Social Science Research Council
> One Pierrepont Plaza, 15th Floor
> Brooklyn, NY 11201
> Tel: 718-517-3640
> Fax: 212-377-2727
> Email:<>
> ***********************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> April 16, 2011
> CFP: Association for Asian Performance due this weekend
> ***********************************************************************
> From: Alexander Huang <>
> If you have been thinking about submitting a proposal but need a bit more
> time, email Alex Huang (
> =====================
> The Association for Asian Performance (AAP) invites submissions for its
> 11th annual conference. The AAP conference is a two-day event, to be held
> at
> the Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, preceding and during the annual
> (Association for Theatre in Higher Education) conference.
> Proposals are invited for papers, panels, workshops and roundtable
> discussions. Learn more about the AAP at
> *The deadline for proposals is April 15, 2011.*
> - *Proposals for individual papers* should include a brief abstract.
> Individual presentations should be limited to 20 minutes so that there
> will
> be time left for questions and discussion. Visual materials (slides, video
> etc.) are strongly encouraged.
> - *Panels* should be composed of three paper presenters and one
> discussant or four paper presenters. Proposals for panels should provide a
> brief statement that explains the session as a whole and the proposed
> subject of each paper.
> - *Roundtables* offer an opportunity for participants to discuss a
> specific theme, issue or significant recent publication. A maximum of six
> active participants is recommended. While a roundtable proposal will not
> be
> as detailed as a panel proposal, it should explain fully the session's
> purpose, themes or issues and scope.
> - *Proposals for workshops* by performance practitioner(s) with expertise
> in specific Asian performance traditions are welcomed, particularly
> workshops that overlap with a panel theme or paper presentation. Workshop
> proposals should include an abstract explaining methods and goals.
> Workshops
> should be designed to run no longer than 80 minutes.
> We encourage suggestions for innovative alternatives to the panels,
> individual papers and roundtables described above.
> *Proposals should include the following:*
> 1. Title of panel, roundtable or paper.
> 2. Names of all the presenters, including chair and/or organizer and
> discussant (for panels and roundtables.) A few biographical sentences
> about
> each presenter.
> 3. Affiliation, specialization (field/region), mailing address, phone
> numbers and e-mail addresses of al participants.
> 4. Explanation of the session (for panels, workshops and roundtables);
> abstract of each panel presentation or each paper.
> Proposals should be emailed to the conference organizer, *Alex Huang
> Alex Huang
> Penn State University
> ***********************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL