----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 10:36 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: CORRECTED CSEAS Post-Doctoral Fellowships now available
> May 12, 2011
> Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Post-Doctoral
> Fellowships now available
> ***********************************************************************
> Ed. note: Yesterday's CSEAS Post-doctoral Fellowships application
> announcement contained some errors which are herewith corrected. FFC
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Mario Ivan Lopez <marioivanlopez@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
> DEADLINE: 30 June 2011
> The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University, Japan,
> invites applications for four post-doctoral fellowships
> (Program-Specific Researcher for Special Research and Education:
> Tokutei Kenkyuin, full-time, non-tenured) under its program, "Towards
> Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia."
> Southeast Asia, through its regional institution of ASEAN (Association
> of Southeast Asian Nations), has emerged as a hub for East Asia
> community-building. The highly diverse societies in this region have
> undergone rapid social, economic, and political changes that can only
> be understood if the local-global knowledges and experiences of their
> peoples, and the ways in which these knowledges and experiences are
> shaped by, and in turn shape, the ecologies, histories, and social
> relations in their respective habitats, are fully taken into account.
> Working within the paradigm of "sustainable humanosphere"
> (http://www.humanosphere.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/), this research
> program seeks to promote sustainable development in Southeast Asia by
> analyzing the complex interactions between ecological and social
> environments in different localities; by developing strategies and
> techniques for managing social, political, economic, cultural and
> environmental challenges; and by creating a platform for dialogue and
> collaboration among scholars from across disciplines (including the
> natural sciences) in the region.
> The objectives of the program are: to analyze structures of everyday
> life, with the aim of identifying social safety mechanisms that will
> enable people to cope with natural disasters, pandemics, ethnic and
> religious conflicts, poverty, inequality, aging, environmental
> degradation and other issues; to undertake ecological studies toward
> building sustainable environments and biomass-based societies; and to
> foster scholarship that can be a source of foundational knowledge for
> East Asia community-building. Through this program, we strive to
> promote intellectual and academic exchanges and collaboration among
> Southeast Asia scholars in East Asia.
> Post-doctoral fellowships will be offered in the following research
> clusters:
> Plural Coexistence (2 fellowships available):
> Southeast Asia is rich in its diversity of ethnic, religious and
> cultural composition. By and large the region has maintained the
> coexistence of such diversity while at the same time achieving
> economic progress, becoming the hub of the flow of people, goods,
> money and information. Yet the region is also confronted with serious
> issues such as the decrease of biodiversity and tropical forest,
> disasters, pandemics, aging population, ethnic and religious
> conflicts, economic differentiation and poverty. In the face of this,
> how is coexistence and sustainability possible despite or on account
> of diversity?
> For this purpose, we promote the study of plural coexistence which
> connects the global and the local dynamically, towards mending the
> political and economic imbalances of globalization. How can we make
> public resources out of the region's social foundations at the basis
> of people's everyday lives? How can we connect these in a
> complementary way with existing systems of governance towards solving
> problems and issues mentioned above?
> New Agenda for Sustainable Biomass Society (2 fellowships available):
> The tropics have the highest potentiality to reproduce biomass due to
> greater solar radiation and active heat and water cycle. The region
> has also been the most fertile ground for bio-resource commodification
> in human history. With the changing status of biomass as forest and
> agricultural products, bio-materials, and financial instruments, the
> tropical zone has undergone fast-paced metamorphoses through
> extensive, environment-dependent, resource utilization and intensive
> agro-industrial production, including large-scale plantations of oil
> palm, Acacia mangium, teak, coffee, tea, sugarcane, and cassava, to
> name a few.
> Defining high biomass society as a crucial niche for global survival
> and sustainability, this cluster invites proposals with innovative
> research topics and methodologies to examine the multi-dimensional
> driving forces of change in Southeast Asia. High biomass societies
> offer important locales to investigate the transformation of regional
> landscapes for food production, development of renewable sources of
> energy and biomaterials, and reduction of carbon emission. Formulas
> for better articulation among human community, local fauna and flora,
> geospheric/atmospheric circulations, and global political economy are
> duly needed. Scholars across disciplines working on Southeast are
> invited to help set new agenda for sustainable biomass societies.
> The fellowships will be for a maximum term of two years, with starting
> dates of November 1, 2011 (negotiable). Working hours are at the
> discretion of the fellow, with standard working hours from 8:30 to
> 17:15 (discretionary labor system). Compensation on an annual basis is
> competitive and commensurable with research experience, and is
> determined in accordance with the existing salary guidelines set by
> Kyoto University. Annual leave, research funds, and other issues
> relating to the contract will also be determined in accordance with
> university regulations.
> The fellowships are designed to offer up-and-coming scholars the time,
> space, and financial as well as institutional support necessary to
> produce outstanding scholarship that will promote the study of
> sustainable humanosphere in Southeast Asia.
> We seek applicants with excellent academic backgrounds and research
> training who are willing and able to cross disciplines, who are
> strongly motivated to publish significant scholarship that fulfills
> the aims and purposes of the Center's research program, and who can
> help expand and strengthen research networks in East Asia (Northeast
> and Southeast Asia).
> Applications are open to scholars of all nationalities. Applicant must
> have a Ph.D. or proof of a solid research and publication track record
> that is directly relevant to the themes and topics outlined by the
> research clusters above. Applicant must not be the recipient of a
> JSPS Post Doctoral Fellowship or similar programs at the time of
> employment.
> Applicant must submit the following documents:
> 1) Application form (please e-mail for one at
> postdoc@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
> 2) Curriculum Vitae (must include information on language skills,
> both oral and written; list of international academic conferences and
> seminars participated in; fieldwork experiences; and list of research
> grants or fellowships obtained)
> 3) Complete list of publications (please indicate which ones are
> refereed)
> 4) Two recommendation letters
> 5) Samples of major publications (two samples with abstracts;
> electronic copies or photocopies are acceptable)
> 6) Summary of scholarly activities and achievements (1200 words or
> less)
> 7) Statement of your research, writing, and publication goals for
> this fellowship, and your contribution to the research theme or
> topic(s) outlined by the research cluster that you wish to be a part
> of (1200 words)
> For persons interested in applying please contact via the email
> address below for an application form.
> - Hide quoted text -
> Documents can be submitted by email to postdoc@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
> (please use "CSEAS fellowship" as subject heading) or by mailing
> printout copies to:
> Center for Southeast Asian Studies
> Kyoto University
> Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program
> 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida
> Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
> Japan
> Please note that submitted documents will not be returned. Mailed
> hard copies should reach the Center by June 30, 2011, regardless of
> postmarked date.
> For further inquiries, please contact us at
> postdoc@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please use "CSEAS fellowships" as subject
> heading)
> Mario Lopez Assistant Professor
> Editor-in-chief Editorial Office
> Center for Southeast Asian Studies,
> Kyoto University
> 46 Shimoadachi-cho Yoshida, Sakyoku
> Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
> TEL 075-753-7344 FAX 075-753-7356
> ******************************************************************
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