Divine Books Murari Lal Chharia Marg. 40/13.Shakti Nagar.Delhi-110007.India
> Mar 16 2011
> *********************************************************
> From: Sarah Jane Arehart <sjfitche@uchicago.edu>
> Over the past few days it has become clear that the natural disasters in
> Japan have also sparked a human-made one, as the reactors at the aging
> Fukushima nuclear power plant continue to deteriorate in the wake of the
> massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the region on March 11th. In
> addition to extending our sympathy and concern for those in Japan, we
> would like to call attention to the need to think about-and act upon-the
> relationship between nuclear weapons and nuclear energy in our
> communities.
> The question of our relationship with nuclear weapons and energy is
> urgent for the health of our bodies, of democracy, and of the earth, and
> the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago has spent
> over a year planning an upcoming symposium that addresses these issues.
> "The Atomic Age from Hiroshima to the Present" will be a day- long
> symposium on May 21st that explores our relationship with nuclear weapons
> and nuclear energy through documentary film screenings and discussions
> with a panel of experts. The goal of this symposium is to foster dialogue
> and provide resources and information for the classroom and the
> community.
> The program will feature two new documentaries, the first about the
> legacy of the Nevada test sites as lived by a woman scientist (Atomic
> Mom, by M.T. Silvia) and the second about a decades-long struggle around
> a nuclear-plant-siting in western Japan and alternative energy sources
> (Ashes to Honey: Toward a Sustainable Future by Kamanaka Hitomi). The
> filmmakers, both women, one an American, the other Japanese, will be
> present. In addition to the filmmakers, participants include Norma Field
> (East Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago); David
> Kraft (Nuclear Energy Information Service); Joseph Masco (Anthropology,
> University of Chicago); Yuki Miyamoto (Religious Studies, DePaul
> University); Sidney Nagel (Physics, University of Chicago); and Tomomi
> Yamaguchi (Sociology & Anthropology, Montana State University)
> As the situation with the Fukushima nuclear plants evolves, the Atomic
> Age blog will strive to be a thoughtful resource for information and news
> updates. Please visit the blog to share your comments, concerns, and
> questions about nuclear energy and weapons:
> http://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/atomicage/
> --
> Sarah Arehart
> Outreach and Japan Studies Committee Coordinator
> University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies
> 5835 S. Kimbark Ave. Judd Hall 302
> Chicago, IL. 60637
> Ph. 773-702-2715
> Fax 773-702-8260
> sarehart@uchicago.edu
> http://ceas.uchicago.edu
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Mar 16 2011
Seeking Panelists: Annual Conference on South Asia (reposted)
From: Nusrat Sabina Chowdhury <nusrat@uchicago.edu>
Dear Moderator,
I am sending again the CFP for our proposed panel for the Madison
conference. In the post sent out yesterday the abstract came out all
and was hard to read. This time I have attached it as a document as
Hopefully it will look OK this time around.
Thanks much.
Nusrat Chowdhury
[ed note: sometimes the text of a message sent to us for posting may
contain "return" commands that break up the sentences awkwardly when
posted, and it is hard to tell this in advance of posting. Best to
make sure that the text is properly formatted before sending it to us.]
CFP: Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, October 20-23, 2011
Panel Title: Regimes of Representation: Theorizing Contemporary Politics
Organizers: Shefali Jha, Nusrat S Chowdhury (University of Chicago)
Discussant: William Mazzarella (University of Chicago)
In a familiar model of the political, a people assert its sovereign
in the right to choose and dismiss its spokespersons. Thus,
government" most readily springs to mind as the conceptual equivalent of
"democracy." While we know that the persistently chaotic forms of mass
politics in South Asia and elsewhere have posed a serious challenge to
hegemonic view, in this panel we seek to complicate the direction of
relationship between representation and politics. We ask how the
desires and
affective energies words and images tap into, that is, representation in
another sense, allow us a glimpse into the fabric of the political.
How do
existent and emergent regimes of representation contribute to the
making of
political constituencies? In what ways do they urge us to look closely
bounded spaces – neighborhoods, cities, nation-states – as sites where
specific vocabularies and institutions find a home and a performative
charge? For instance, secular politics reads the specter of terror
into its
other by marking certain spaces and vocabularies as backward and
while images of violence against the illegal migrant, all-too-easily
subsumed in the category of "terrorist," bring into relief the
intimacy of
terror and territoriality. Certain representations may also help erase
tensions between the logic of consumerism and the fantasies of
that often get laminated on the urban-rural spatiotemporal divide. How
our scholarly inquiries – ethnographic or historical – tell us more
these conflicts, terrors, *and* potentialities of democratic politics
We seek contributions that speak to the concerns raised in the panel
the powers of representation in modern South Asian politics.
Please submit 250-word abstracts to Shefali Jha
(shefalij@uchicago.edu) or
Nusrat S Chowdhury (nusrat@uchicago.edu) by March 21 to be considered.
panel submission deadline is April 1, 2011.
Nusrat S Chowdhury
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Chicago
> March 15, 2011
> Call for papers DEADLINE EXTENDED, Canada-China Relations Workshop,
> Regina, October 7-8, 2011 DEADLINE 31 MARCH 2011
> ***********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> Deadline extended: Canada-China relations workshop
> Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
> Conference Date: 2011-10-07
> Date Submitted: 2011-03-11
> Announcement ID: 183784
> Call for papers/expressions of interest
> *Deadline extended to March 31, 2011*
> Expressions of interest are invited for a series of interdisciplinary
> panels on Canada's relations with China to be held on October 7-8, 2011 at
> the University of Regina as part of the 30th anniversary of the
> university's partnership agreement in 1981 with a Chinese university, the
> first such arrangement by a Canadian post-secondary institution. The
> conference also marks the 40th anniversary of the exchange of embassies
> between Canada and China.
> In conjunction with other commemorative events, the conference will
> welcome interested scholars and representatives of government, the private
> sector and NGOs that have played an active role in this relationship.
> Conference participants will be drawn from the University of Regina, other
> Canadian institutions and their Chinese counterparts. Applications from
> diverse disciplines including history, sociology, political science,
> economics, international studies, education, business administration and
> religious studies are encouraged. Participation is also invited from
> graduate students. It is hoped the results of the conference will be
> disseminated in at least one edited work to be published.
> Depending on the result of external funding applications, some support for
> participants' cost may be available.
> If interested, please send a paper title and a short one-paragraph
> description by March 31, 2011 to canada.china@uregina.ca.
> David Webster
> International Studies Program
> University of Regina
> Regina SK S4S 0A2
> Canada
> Email: canada-china@uregina.ca
> Visit the website at http://canada-china-relations.blogspot.com/
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Books & Journals from India
Dear Sir / Madam ,
We are Publishers & Exporters of Books on
Religion & Philosophy( Hinduism- Sanskrit, Tantra ,Mantra, Yantra,
Astrology, Yoga; Buddhism; Jainism; Christianity), Indian Art/
Dance & Music, Women & Gender Studies, Ayurveda, Unani and Tibetan
, Dictionaries & Grammar Books with other related books from India.
Our Books are well accepted among readers and libraries.
You can send us your want lists of Indian Books , journals and out of
print/ rare books & standing orders.
Looking forward to hear in the matter.
Thanking You
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/ 5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
Ph. No. 011- 42351493
011-2384 6497
(IRS,Rates for Books Sold in India only)
Email -divinebooksindia@gmail.com
website. www.divinebooksindia.com
WHILE IN DELHI,India,Please Visit Our Bookshop For Books on
Indian Art/ Archaeology; Ayurveda, Tibetan, Unani & Alternative Medicine;
Dictionary & Grammar; Religion & Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
Christianity); Indian Music, Dance & Performing Arts; Sri Lankan ies;
& Gender Studies; Yoga & Meditation; Tantra Mantra Yantra & Astrology;
Sanskrit & Related Studies
Varun Gupta
> March 15, 2011
> Call for papers: British Association for Chinese Studies Annual
> Conference, Edinburgh, 7-9 September, 2011
> DEADLINE 2 May 2011
> ***********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference 7-9 September
> 2011
> Location: United Kingdom
> Conference Date: 2011-09-07
> Date Submitted: 2011-03-11
> Announcement ID: 183777
> The British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS) will hold its annual
> conference at the University of Edinburgh, 7-9 September 2011, at which
> Professors Wang Hui and David Der-wei Wang have agreed to deliver
> presentations at a special keynote opening session on the evening of 7
> September. The regular panels will be on 8 and 9 September. We welcome
> panel and paper proposals in any field of Chinese Studies. We are
> especially keen to attract panel proposals that bring a group of scholars
> together to discuss a major issue in the study of China. BACS conferences
> are open to both members and non-members, and we welcome participants from
> all countries.
> All proposals should include: name(s), affiliation and contact details
> (email). Proposals for panels should include: list of proposed presenters;
> list of titles of individual papers; abstracts of each paper (up to 250
> words); proposed chair/moderator; discussant, if relevant. Proposals for
> papers should include: title of paper and abstract of up to 250 words.
> All proposals should be submitted BY 2 May 2011 to Frances Christensen
> Panels and papers will be selected according to academic merit, and BACS
> will inform proposers of the outcome of the assessment in the week
> commencing 19 May 2011.
> Tim Wright
> Emeritus Professor of Chinese Studies
> School of East Asian Studies
> University of Sheffield
> Sheffield S10 2TD
> UK
> Tel: +44 114 222 8406
> Fax: +44 114 222 8432
> Email: t.wright@sheffield.ac.uk
> Visit the website at http://www.bacsuk.org.uk/BACS_CONFERENCES.php
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Books & Journals from India
Dear Sir / Madam ,
We are Publishers & Exporters of Books on
Religion & Philosophy( Hinduism- Sanskrit, Tantra ,Mantra, Yantra,
Astrology, Yoga; Buddhism; Jainism; Christianity), Indian Art/
Dance & Music, Women & Gender Studies, Ayurveda, Unani and Tibetan
, Dictionaries & Grammar Books with other related books from India.
Our Books are well accepted among readers and libraries.
You can send us your want lists of Indian Books , journals and out of
print/ rare books & standing orders.
Looking forward to hear in the matter.
Thanking You
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/ 5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
Ph. No. 011- 42351493
011-2384 6497
(IRS,Rates for Books Sold in India only)
Email -divinebooksindia@gmail.com
website. www.divinebooksindia.com
WHILE IN DELHI,India,Please Visit Our Bookshop For Books on
Indian Art/ Archaeology; Ayurveda, Tibetan, Unani & Alternative Medicine;
Dictionary & Grammar; Religion & Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
Christianity); Indian Music, Dance & Performing Arts; Sri Lankan ies;
& Gender Studies; Yoga & Meditation; Tantra Mantra Yantra & Astrology;
Sanskrit & Related Studies
Varun Gupta
> March 15, 2011
> Call for papers: Yoga in Science - Future and Perspectives, Belgrade,
> August 11-12, 2011
> ***********************************************************************
> Ed. note: I note that the poster has given the location of this event
> as Yugoslavia--which seems a bit dated. On the other hand, maybe it
> was intended to be Yogaslavia?? Apologies to all who may take offense.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> Location: Yugoslavia
> Conference Date: 2011-08-11
> Date Submitted: 2011-03-10
> Announcement ID: 183755
> GOAL OF THE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Goal of this scientific conference is
> presentation of theoretical and empirical researches of Yoga discovering
> variety of its representation and implementation in many scientific
> fields. Goal of the scientific program of the conference is to include as
> wide multidisciplinary and complementary aspects of Yoga as possible. This
> conference is going to gather leading professors, scientists, doctors and
> experts from different scientific areas who research phenomena, ranges and
> effects of the yoga implementation.
> Conference is going to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, on August 11-12, 2011,
> organized by
> Official languages of the conference are Serbian and English. Papers may
> be written and presented in these two languages.
> For all further information please contact us or visit our web sites.
> Resfectfully,
> Prof. PhD Predrag Nikic
> President of the Yoga Federation of Serbia
> Bosiljka Janjusevic,
> Certified Instructor of the Yoga Center of Serbia,
> Belgrade, Serbia
> Mobile: 00381638398120
> www.yogasavezsrbije.com
> www.yogacentarsrbije.com
> www.yoga-science.rs
> www.joga-akademija.com
> Email: yogafederationofserbia@gmail.com
> Visit the website at http://www.yogasavezsrbije.com
> http://www.yogacentarsrbije.com
> http://www.yoga-science.rs
> http://www.joga-akademija.com
> Email: yogafederationofserbia@gmail.com
> Visit the website at http://www.yogasavezsrbije.com
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Books & Journals from India
Dear Sir / Madam ,
We are Publishers & Exporters of Books on
Religion & Philosophy( Hinduism- Sanskrit, Tantra ,Mantra, Yantra,
Astrology, Yoga; Buddhism; Jainism; Christianity), Indian Art/
Dance & Music, Women & Gender Studies, Ayurveda, Unani and Tibetan
, Dictionaries & Grammar Books with other related books from India.
Our Books are well accepted among readers and libraries.
You can send us your want lists of Indian Books , journals and out of
print/ rare books & standing orders.
Looking forward to hear in the matter.
Thanking You
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/ 5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
Ph. No. 011- 42351493
011-2384 6497
(IRS,Rates for Books Sold in India only)
Email -divinebooksindia@gmail.com
website. www.divinebooksindia.com
WHILE IN DELHI,India,Please Visit Our Bookshop For Books on
Indian Art/ Archaeology; Ayurveda, Tibetan, Unani & Alternative Medicine;
Dictionary & Grammar; Religion & Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
Christianity); Indian Music, Dance & Performing Arts; Sri Lankan ies;
& Gender Studies; Yoga & Meditation; Tantra Mantra Yantra & Astrology;
Sanskrit & Related Studies
Varun Gupta
> March 15, 2011
> Resource: Ewomen (Indian Subcontinent): Issue 7 "Memories" of the popular
> women's magazine Released!
> ***********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> Ewomen (Indian Subcontinent): Issue 7 "Memories" of the popular women's
> magazine Released!
> Date Submitted: 2011-03-12
> Announcement ID: 183802
> Check out the beautiful new issue of Ewomen (Indian Subcontinent) on
> "memories" with amazing and intriguing writing, poetry, essays, and
> conversations, and research around the theme of growing older and the
> seeing the past with new perspectives!!
> http://www.the-indian-subcontinent.org/content/editorial You can post your
> comments and participate!
> Also, look out for new calls for submission in the coming month!
> Shweta Singh, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
> Loyola University Chicago
> 820 North Michigan Avenue
> Lewis Towers, 12th Floor
> Chicago, IL
> 60611
> Ph: 312-915-7249
> Fax- 312-915-7645
> Email: ssingh9@luc.edu
> Email: ssingh9@luc.edu
> Visit the website at
> http://www.the-indian-subcontinent.org/content/editorial
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a
> free service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net
> cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements appearing
> in this service. Send comments & questions to H-Net Webstaff at URL
> <webstaff@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
> H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Hosted by Matrix at
> Michigan State University Copyright (c) 1995-2011
> ************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <listserv@h-net.msu.edu> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL
> H-ASIA WEB HOMEPAGE URL: http://h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
Books & Journals from India
Dear Sir / Madam ,
We are Publishers & Exporters of Books on
Religion & Philosophy( Hinduism- Sanskrit, Tantra ,Mantra, Yantra,
Astrology, Yoga; Buddhism; Jainism; Christianity), Indian Art/
Dance & Music, Women & Gender Studies, Ayurveda, Unani and Tibetan
, Dictionaries & Grammar Books with other related books from India.
Our Books are well accepted among readers and libraries.
You can send us your want lists of Indian Books , journals and out of
print/ rare books & standing orders.
Looking forward to hear in the matter.
Thanking You
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/ 5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
Ph. No. 011- 42351493
011-2384 6497
(IRS,Rates for Books Sold in India only)
Email -divinebooksindia@gmail.com
website. www.divinebooksindia.com
WHILE IN DELHI,India,Please Visit Our Bookshop For Books on
Indian Art/ Archaeology; Ayurveda, Tibetan, Unani & Alternative Medicine;
Dictionary & Grammar; Religion & Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
Christianity); Indian Music, Dance & Performing Arts; Sri Lankan ies;
& Gender Studies; Yoga & Meditation; Tantra Mantra Yantra & Astrology;
Sanskrit & Related Studies
Varun Gupta