Open Access Journal: Egypt Exploration Society Posted: 01 Dec 2012 05:16 AM PST [First posted in AWOL 12/2/09. Most recently updated 1 December 2012]EES Newsletters The Society's paper newsletter is mailed to members three times a year, usually in March, July and October. The Society's events are announced here first and the newsletter also includes details of new publications, fundraising campaigns, sales of second-hand books on eBay, and governance related issues such as the election of Trustees etc. News & Events Summer 2008 (540kb) News & Events Autumn / Winter 2008 (272kb) News & Events Spring 2009 (270kb) News & Events Summer 2009 (776kb) News & Events Autumn / Winter 2009 (777kb) News & Events Spring / Summer 2010 (252kb) News & Events Summer 2010 (590kb) News & Events Autumn / Winter 2010-11 (399kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 1 (Spring 2011) (1,773kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 2 (Summer 2011) (1,936kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 3 (Autumn/Winter 2011-12) (2.690kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 4 (Spring 2012) (2109kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 5 (Summer 2012) (2620kb) The EES Newsletter Issue 6 (Autumn 2012) (3914kb) e-newsletterThe Society's occasional e-newsletter is sent to approximately 2,000 members and other friends of the Society approximately three to four times each year. It includes various items of news relating to the Society's fieldwork and research, publications, events etc. and links to new content on the Society's website and other online pages at Flickr, Youtube, eBay etc. If you do not already receive the e-newsletter but would like to be added to the mailing list please contact the Society (anyone joining the Society through subscription (see here) is automatically added to the list). e-newsletter #1 June 2008 (56kb) e-newsletter #2 Sept 2008 (146kb) e-newsletter #3 Feb 2009 (159kb) e-newsletter #4 May 2009 (149kb) e-newsletter #5 Sept 2009 (105kb) e-newsletter #6 Dec 2009 (211kb) e-newsletter #7 Apr 2010 (195kb)e-newsletter #8 Nov 2010 (299kb) e-newsletter #9 Dec 2010 (146kb) e-newsletter #10 Feb 2011 (138kb) e-newsletter #11 May 2011 (307kb) e-newsletter #12 Aug 2011 (446kb) e-newsletter #13 Feb 2012 (328kb) e-newsletter #14 June 2012 (1,178kb) The EES Newsletter (1987-1990)The Society circulated six issues of its original newsletter to members and friends between 1987 and 1990. The newsletter was the precursor to Egyptian Archaeology which superseded it in 1991. The newsletter contained short articles on the Society's fieldwork and related research and also a fascinating series on the Society's dig-houses, at Amarna (issue #1), Armant (#3), Qasr Ibrim (#4), and Sesebi and Amara (#5). The EES Newsletter No 1 November 1987 (1,467kb) The EES Newsletter No 2 March 1988 (1,619kb) The EES Newsletter No 3 October 1988 (1,656kb) The EES Newsletter No 4 March 1989 (1,160kb) The EES Newsletter No 5 October 1989 (1,831kb) The EES Newsletter No 6 October 1990 (2,469kb)  |
Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project Posted: 30 Nov 2012 04:05 PM PST Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project A JOINT SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR OF THE College of Archaeology, Trinity Southwest University AND THE Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Welcome to the official website of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project (TeHEP). TeHEP is a joint scientific project between Trinity Southwest University's College of Archaeology & Biblical History (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) and the Department of Antiquitie s of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Our website is designed to be enjoyed by all those interested in archaeology, whether casually or professionally. The site of Tall el-Hammam is located in the southern Jordan River Valley, about 14 kilometers northeast of the Dead Sea. Surveys and excavations thus far have revealed a long occupational history at Tall el-Hammam, including the Chalcolithic Period, the Early, Intermediate, and Middle Bronze Ages, and Iron Age 2. Minor Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic occupations are also in evidence. Architecturally, the major contributors to the enormity of the site—spreading approximately one square kilometer—are the cities of the Early Bronze Age (3500-2350 BCE), Intermediate Bronze Age (2350-2000 BCE), and Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 BCE). The massive 6-meter-thick EBA city wall rings the lower and upper talls to an elliptical diameter of 500x750 meters. The same fortifications were refurbished and re-used during the IBA, and were later swallowed up by the construction of massive MB2 fortifications up to 50 meters thick, including the city wall, outer rampart/glacis with multiple (interior) stone stabilizer walls, and monumental gateway complex.
The MBA fortifications also include mudbrick and packed-earth ramparts rising above the lower city to a height of 20 to 30 meters, contributing to the 450x300-meter elongated oval footprint of the upper tall, and creating its 35-degree slope. The upper tall is topped by ruins from Iron Age 2abc, which are surrounded by a 3-meter-thick city wall, with a chambered gateway flanked by monumental towers. By all comparisons, Tall el-Hammam must be considered the "Queen of the Southern Jordan Valley," and her excavation will continue to shed important light on the history of the region for decades to come.  |
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