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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 9:52 AM
Subject: New comment on "For every action there is a reaction. Do you think karma applies to everyone in this world?"
| | History and Philosophy of Science | | | | | Many Bhaarateey in this discussion are arguing in favor of "Karma", basically a Bharateey vision. This vision is adopted in life of all Bharateey. It can be and should be (I do not say must be) adopted universally. It shapes our life to provide us incentive to do do good deeds. We can 'feel' assured about good results to us. EVEN IF THE PRINCIPLE CAN NOT BE SUBSTANTIATED RATIONALLY, THIS IS OK. But, there is another more important vision. ONE MUST DO KARMA WITHOUT GETTING ENGULFED IN THE FRUIT. We can do Karma, that is the only capability we have. We can not control the results. So we should not do karma with the sole wish to get fruits in return. The good deeds, motivated with a will to get good results, are not good deeds but merely "Give and take transaction, of commercial nature".
So, Karma siddhant (That a good deed will be rewarded with good results to you) might be good for starters. But ultimately to work without karma-siddhant is supreme. Karma siddhant leads you to SAKAAM KARM (that is inferior) One should lead his life with NISHKAAM KARMA.
Even if the concept of God, a provider of fruit for action of man, is brought in irrationally, I say -"I can not imagine a God who becomes pleased and rewards if praised and becomes annoyed and punishes if not, for these are not divine virtues but human weaknesses"
I have firm opinion that the principle of Karma and that of Nishkaam Karm are adoptable Values of life. But these are not scientific realities. | By Mukund Hambarde | | | | | | | This email was intended for Naresh Gupta (Divine Books). Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA | | | |
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